Hockey Game: Default Previous Next


4:00 PM



78.4 kg


17 C


8 / 10
7 / 10
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Filled in for 6th grade, all the old blokes except bruce and dazza unavailable, ray umpired, I started left wing, swapped after 10 minutes or so, was having a blinder, and came on at right inner and scored. then swapped off and back on again at inner, then played all but 5 minutes or so fo the second half at left wing. we went in at 5-1 up and I gave the last pass for the first goal as well, was right up to the pace and did all the right things very happy with how i played. great fun too. John hol was watching from the sideline, his son brendan played well at centre half, tim the inner went well, daniel murry played with the flu, ben davis usual engergetic self, doc at the back was good to work with etc. home to help cook dinner with megan and hayley, great day and also stacked a full load of wood in the morning using the new wheel barrow which made it an easier task!
