Hockey Trials: Default Previous Next


10:30 PM



81 kg


27 C


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Hockey park


Played two games in a row, 20 minute games, right wing. Glen showed up for the second one, john hol played inner with me and ray marked me at left half in the second game. i went a lot better than the week before, I scored a cracking goal, right side of the circle, after getting the ball off Ray, and one inch inside the left post, 100mph. also gave the last pass for two other goals. ran well, all over Ray I thought, had one beer and drove dave lucas home he gave me two sixpacks of boags for my trouble, had a roast dinner on the bbq with sharlene who was down for a wedding. took hayley home before that though. Good night especially since happy in the knowledge of tomorows flexi.
