Run: Long Previous Next


9:28 AM

22 mi


6:30 mi


152 bpm
176 bpm


8 / 10
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Damn, this was a beast long run! I ran the first 10 at a moderate recovery pace, the second 10 at target marathon pace, and the last two at a tempo progression. I got a little carried away on the 15th and 20th miles, but otherwise I was spot on where I wanted to be. I just hope it wasn't too quick/hard -- after all, this is the quickest long run I've ever done. I had a short period where I felt a little flat (around mile 12-15ish), but then things really started to click and I felt fully in control, like where I was trying to keep myself from going too fast. The tempo miles didn't feel too bad. I actually had to pace myself a little bit so they weren't too nuts. I'm a little paranoid that I hurt myself here, but I don't really see how I could have. I was a little tight and achy afterwards, and still kind of am, but that is more than warranted.

All in all, this run has me really confident for the race in two weeks. My hope is that I can just cruise into this type of a cadence early and increase it near the end; that should get me a solid time! Time to hit a nice taper and see what I can do with this.

I took a gu with water 20 minutes beforehand (lemon sublime, no caffeine), at 7 miles (lemon sublime, no caffeine), and at 14 miles (jet blackberry, caffeine).

Training Plan Entry


22 mi

Marathon progression:

- 10 miles easy

- 10 miles at target marathon pace

- 2 miles quicker progression

Take gu's 20 min. before and at 7 and 14 mile marks. Third one with caffeine.
