Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:00 AM

5 mi


5:40 mi


2 / 10
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Oh man was this bad. I'm not even calling it a race. Basically, the weather was Paul Short 2013, but on a harder course and with large pools of mud. I pretty much knew by mile 2 that I was going to end up tempoing the whole thing (my original plan was to tempo 5k and then drop pace over the last 3k). For an actual 8k -- the course is still long -- my time was probably around 28:06ish. That time blows dick, but given the fact I was just working out, and given the horrid conditions, I guess I'll take it considering my original plan entailed just breaking 28 as a baseline goal. Last year I was a lot farther along in my training, so it's no surprise that I ran faster then. I'm not too worried about this -- it just fucking sucked. Hopefully it will make me stronger, though.

As a tempo workout, my splits weren't too bad. The third and fourth mile just kicked my ass for some reason.
