Health: PT Appointment - Ankle Previous Next


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Had a follow-up appointment with Mike today. Told him it had been feeling better but running is still pretty uncomfortable and makes pain/stiffness worse the next day. He thought it was pretty valuable to try stuff out and learn from it. My mobility is getting better on the left ankle but he's still of the mind that my brain won't let me use the ankle because of the way I've rolled it in the past, so this is more about relearning to use the ankle than anything else. He gave me a new exercise on top of what I've been doing since last week:

Stand reach: hands on table, 50/50 weight distribution on feet, shift weight right and make "smiley face" with left foot around right from 9 to 3, return to 50/50, repeat x10 and then repeat opposite for 2-3 sets.

I don't think I'll try running again for at least a week. It just doesn't seem worth it when I feel so much worse the next day.
