Run: Distance Previous Next


12:00 PM

7 mi


7:18 mi


50 F


4 / 10
4 / 10
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I guess I'll go for a run. The knee felt different but not painful. Then I got the idea to try barefoot running. 3 miles of barefoot and it felt amazing, even threw in 3 faster strides. Unfortunately, when I put my shoes back on, the knee was painful for the return trip of 2 miles. Not sure if that means barefoot was better or not.

P.S. A few days ago I realized that this weekend would have been my 1st planned race of the spring (Loop the Lake 8k, defending champ). It was a bit confusing and surreal realizing that as I've been mourning this race for weeks and acting like it was non-existent.

P.P.S. Cherrypicking my weigh-ins, I've gained 5lbs in the past 3 days.



You've really gone downhill since the cancelling of Grandma's.


Yep, it's dangerous when the safer option is also the lazier option.