Run: Medium Building Previous Next


5:30 AM

14.6 mi


6:15 mi


147.6 lb


58 F


8 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Ran with Greg and Dan from NCC. Headed East into Lisle by 4 Lakes and past Molex. The pace picked up a little around 45 minutes and built back to school. I suggested we blast a lap on the Ides of March course. Miles were 5:31, 5:35 and 2:41 last 1/2. Greg pulled away from me with about a mile left and I couldn't do anything. My hamstrings were just getting tighter and tighter and I was struggling to be able to get any knee lift. This has been an issue for me over the last 6 weeks whenever the pace gets around 5:30.

Now my right hamstring is very sour to touch and hurts every time I stand up or try to walk around. I strained it but don't know how bad yet. Very frustrating.
