Run: Long Previous Next


6:37 AM

10.3 mi


8:20 mi


48 F


Temp 48 Winds Calm.

Abbreviated Post-Race Long Run. Broke into three parts:

1) 31:20 minutes of jogging, drills, and striders. Covered 3.33 miles.

2) 25:00 minutes at 3/4s effort. 7:20 / 7:18 / 7:07 / 3:15 (7:02). Broke off the trails and ran over to the boulevard I lived on in high school and did a couple of loops. Hills shorter and steeper than what I'm used to. Good to get the mix. As a kid, would go out and run this loop as fast as I could two or three times a week to get in shape. Thought it was a mile. Is actually 0.87. No wonder I could do it in eight and change. Finished on Bacon Park loop. When I was in HS, XC team practiced and raced here. Now they have the nice paved trail. Wonder, if A-Wad had this set up instead of having to run and dodge 55 mph highway traffic, could he have ran a 4:00 minute mile his senior year?

3) 29:06 cool down jog of 3.48 miles. Nice 10+ miles and about an hour and a half on my feet.
