Run: Long Previous Next


6:00 AM

10.5 mi


7:34 mi


69 F


Temp 69 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 96% Dew Point 68°.

Long Run with Stuff. Muggiest morning of the summer so far. Full day off yesterday, fresh and strong, and physically more chippy than my cardio may be able to manage this morning. About a 15:00 minute jog from the house to the park at an 8:27 average pace. Stop at Russell/Cascade and hit 6 x hill sprints. Another 10:00ish minutes back to the house at an 8:10 average.

Re-hydrate, grab the hand-held, toss my top layer of gear, and change shoes. Jog to the track at a 7:55 average pace and take a lap to surge the straights to re-prime.

Workout is 3 x AT tempo intervals. Start with five laps on the track. Average 6:57 pace for just under 10:00 minutes. Too fast a start in this weather for this workout. Will probably forgo holding at AT and shift to running relaxed, strict, and not letting things creep above LT. One lap recovery jog, then out the gate to start the second rep. Head over for a zig-zag of the hills in The Orchards, and then back to the track. Average 7:12 rolling the hills during a 13:00+ minute rep. Jog another recovery lap, then hit another five laps at a 6:54 average pace. Feel of the tempo efforts ended up somewhere in the vicinity of HM effort.

Easy jogging the rest of the morning. Total of another 3.19 miles at 8:14 average pace. Everything "easy" this morning felt about a minute slower than I was actually moving. Three quarters, a dime, and six pennies.
