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4:29 AM

7.6 mi


7:54 mi


44 F


Temp 44 Winds Calm.

Hour with 25:00 at MPE. Another so-so night of rest. Not as good as last night, but better than Monday. Actually looking forward to running to perk me up.

20/25/15 format today. 2.39 mile warm-up jog at 8:22 average pace. Duck off main road into different unfamiliar residential area. Hilly, but long gentle hills rather than the steep up and downs ran last MPE. 3.41 miles at 7:21 average pace. Felt like going 30:00, but another big weekend coming up, so need to keep things in check. Down = 1.81 miles at 8:18 average pace. Mostly in commercial areas. Dime and two pennies.

No flash mobs to support me along the way, no pancakes waiting for me at the end. How the hell was I able to do this????
