Run: Easy Previous Next


4:49 AM

6.7 mi


8:51 mi


70 F


Temp 70 Wind 11 mph. Humidity 80% Dew Point 63 degrees.

Hour @ Easy Effort. Ideal weather. Neither begging or bribery would have got me better. Taking a step back today to do a job that needs to be done. Addition of C5000 drills into repertoire was paying off big with improvement to stride efficiency. Noticed last weekend, and more so during Tuesday's intervals, that I'd left some of that progress on a TM in Memphis. Off to the track today. Going to drill, going to slow them down, going to do them w/ 100% proper form, and going to start getting them hard-wired back into system.

Drill set included 2 x skipping, 2 x high-knees, butt kicks, foot shuffles, 2 x high-knee skipping, and bounding. Did striders during jog intervals at half speed, again with focus on technique over speed. Switched off striders for 2 x carioca after last two drill reps. Finished it all off with one last strider.

Short session of stretching, then smooth easy jog home. Now moving at mid-8s pace without an ounce of effort. Time to get back to business with these and stay sharp.
