Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:30 AM

3.8 mi


6:55 mi


55 F
  • Map


Temp 55 Wind 9 mph.

Tempo Run. Plan calls for either 1 x 20 minutes or 2 x 10 minutes with three minute jog interval. I picked #2 and elected to do it on the track to save leg beating for weekend race. Put forth my best effort to overthink this workout. Originally was going to go with Tempo Effort. Hit me last night that if I do, come Saturday, except for some striders, it will have been 10+ days since I turned my legs over anywhere near a low to mid 6:00 m/m pace. Switched off to Tempo Pace Runs. Now for pace, McMillan Steady-State? Tempo Interval? HM? Fastest recent 5K time? Slowest? Decide to go with a common denominator for all: 6:30-6:35.

1st 10-Minutes: 1.54 miles for an average pace of 6:31.

2nd 10-Minutes: 1.55 miles for an average pace of 6:28.

Not near as pretty as the numbers look. Grossly uneven pacing, worse on first one. Went out too quick both times, then backed down too much before evening out effort at end. Caught myself over 5 minutes into first one breathing like a Recovery Run. Got the workout in, but have to give myself an "F" on execution.
