Run: Easy Previous Next


5:20 AM

9.6 mi


7:50 mi


72 F


Temp 72 (72) Wind 8 mph. Humidity 87% Dew Point 68°.

20/35/20 Aerobic Run. Day three and still working to get the hitch out of my Sunday-back. Went to bed thinking I'd do my workout in the park to avoid discomfort and make it easier to focus without dealing with all the hills. As I stirred around more this morning, thought screw're not injured, you're just uncomfortable, you don't need to run on easy terrain to focus, you need to get out and train like you want to bring home the grandmaster's championship trophy rather than some cheap finisher's medal. Strapped on the HR monitor to measure fitness in humidity.

2.24 miles in 20:05 ending in The Orchards. Start 35:00 @ 3/4s hitting the hills. Zig-zag the ridge, out and down Oak, over to 34/72, to the high school, back on Adams, and on over to the park arriving in about 25:00 minutes. Final 10:00 in the park. Splits 7:11 / 7:01 / 6:54 / 6:47 / 6:45 / 0:22 (6:37). Average HR 162. Did not go over 160 until 30:00+ minutes in. Played guess the Ave. HR after Garmin alerts at 15:00, 20:00, and 25:00. Nailed all three exactly on the dot. Fun game when you win, and motivational during run.

Finish the morning off with 2.30 in 20:01.
