Run: Easy Previous Next


5:02 AM

5.1 mi


9:25 mi


135 bpm
145 bpm


48 F


Temp 48 (WC 44) Wind 11 mph.

Tempo Run yesterday morning and light lifting last night. Legs fresh...go figure?

Goal of 5 miles @ 140 max Ave. HR. Was itching to do at McMillan pace, but have scheduled Speed Work tomorrow night and want to go 12 miles on Long Run Sunday. Decided to be a mature adult and slow down for this one. Also get some miles on soft track surface.

Continued to work on running on feel. Peeked at Garmin every mile, but looking back, didn't let it change anything I was doing. Splits were in 9:30 range when running on streets over hills, and closer to 9:05 on track.

Pace at this Ave. HR has improved almost 1:00 per mile over last month.
