Run: Easy Previous Next


4:31 AM

9.2 mi


7:25 mi


68 F


Temp 68 Winds Calm. Humidity 90% Dew Point 65°.

20/28/20 AT Run. Would have been real easy to roll over and blow this one off. First time in a long time that I had to will myself out the door. Warm, muggy, and pitch black at 4:30 a.m.

Up = 20:00 minutes at 7:47 average pace. Two surges, one short, one medium.

AT = 28:00 at 6:58 average pace. All hills. Planned on looping The Orchards, but thought I might be mentally sharper if I actual took off and went somewhere. Headed to Jax Blvd, HP, City Park, and back to Jr. High via Oak Street. Expect to run even pace on hills and let terrain dictate speed, but was curious just how sluggish I was this morning. Hit the lap button at 8:00. Was at 7:02 average pace. Finished last 20:00 at 6:56. Lot of folks had hit the streets by 5:00 a.m.

Down = 20:00 minutes at 7:43. On the last few of these runs, have been thinking that if I play my cards right, will get almost as much bang for buck on cool-down as I get from the AT time. One penny seconds into AT.
