Event: Lower Body Lift / Strength Etc. Previous Next


5:10 PM

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Two Supersets (With Weights) - Kneeling Squats, Bulgarian Squats, Lunges, Hip Flexor Kicks, and Hip Hikes.

Two Supersets (No Weight) - One Leg Squats and Single Leg Deadlifts.

Weighted Core Movements, Sciatic PTs, and Balance Exercises.

Toe Update: Did not notice until after sock was off and light hit it just right, but have a bruise at base of first metatarsal. Did not drop anything on my foot and do not remember any direct trauma. Bone is not sensitive to touch. Just appears like I busted a gasket in one of my digital arteries or veins (not the big one). Only bothers me when there is compression and pressure applied at the same time; i.e. specific movements while wearing shoes. Currently on round two of ice.
