Run: Long Previous Next


7:28 AM

3.2 mi


7:37 mi


62 F


Temp 62 Winds Calm. Humidity 87% Dew Point 58°. Warmed to 69.

Long Run. More of a normal Missouri summer morning. 60s, humid, with some light fog. Mentally ready for this one. Start with 4.21 miles at 7:40 average pace. Few longer hills, but mostly flat and rolling. HS, ankles, and calfs tired from XC on Friday, but quads, glutes, and hip flexors spunky. Full drill set with three striders. 13:27 minutes. Total Up = 5.39 miles / 45:40 minutes.

Workout is 45:00 minutes at AT. Today is track day, but will have to get over some hills to get there. Start with very controlled effort. About one third of the way up second climb, felt things settle in with a thug. Got real easy. Hit the track at 10:57 mark. Turnover started to roll and could tell from change in track position between 15:00 and 20:00 minute Garmin alerts that I was gobbling up ground. Relaxed with focus on efficient quick turnover and controlled my breathing. Coasted until about 32:00 - 33:00 minutes. Started to slip, but refocused on form and got things back in alignment, then moved up the ladder and got breathing back under control. Returned auto-glide for last couple of laps.

0:00 - 10:57 = 6:57 average pace. Over the hills to get to the track. Looked at Garmin to check on pace.

10:58 - 30:00 = 6:29 average pace. OK? Was going to peek, but felt good so didn't want to know.

30:01 - 45:00 = 6:29 average pace. OK???

Total = 6.83 miles at 6:36 average pace.

Probably would not have ran the last 30:00ish at that pace if that was what I was trying to do. Was totally focused on running quick, relaxed, and under control. Cannot expect to do this every time between now and November, but this tells me a lot. Pieces are coming together. Trust the process, stay on task, and in a few weeks, start formally putting together a HM runner.

Get ready to head back to City Park and see a SUV blocking the sidewalk less than 20 feet from the gate. As I start to jog out, middle-aged flabby woman (who looks like she spends at least an hour a day on a tanning bed) gets out in workout gear and walks towards the track. We meet between her car and the gate. She smiles big and waves. I look her straight in the face, point to the ground, and inform her, "Hey, you could have got a few more feet closer!". Second time this summer this has happen. Don't get people. If you come out here to get exercise, why can't you park in the PARKING LOT and walk an extra 50 meters???

Down = 3.22 miles at 7:37 average pace. Felt like a brisk walk. Money has been scarce this week. Better today. Quarter and six pennies. Why am I so hungry?
