Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:19 AM

5.7 mi


7:23 mi


34 F


Temp 34 (26) Wind 10 mph.

AT Tempo Intervals. Low energy and tired back yesterday. Took a total chill day. Came home from work and was asleep for the night before 5:20 p.m. Only running today.

Up = 1.24 miles at 8:44 average pace. House to bottom of Russell Street Hill in City Park. Finish priming with 4 x 0:15 second hill sprints with 2:00 minute walk intervals.

Workout is 3 x 12:00 minutes at AT with 3:00 minute jog intervals. First one all flat / rolling in Hubble Creek valley. Alternating focus quickly between stride and breathing. Average pace was 7:23. Was going to check Garmin to make sure not out too fast, but felt perfect, so screw it. Run and look at numbers when I get home. Second one in hills taking Oak Street over to loop The Orchards. Average 7:19. Heading back to City Park, last one starts on downhill by Jr. High. Hit the bottom and onto flat stretch. Feel the legs rolling. Too fast, but breathing is fine, so go with it to finish out. Last one averaged 6:59. Lost some focus last 3:00 to 5:00 minutes ad libbing end of route to line up for cool down. Fresh(er) legs, 10 hours of sleep, and cooler weather will do some wonders for the numbers.

Down = 1.33 miles at 9:00 flat. All pennies this morning. Eight total.
