Run: Easy Previous Next


4:46 AM

9.5 mi


7:24 mi


48 F


Temp 48 (44) Wind 9 mph.

20/30/20 AT Run. Warmer today, but that breeze is chilly. Unexpected spunk from first step this morning. Up = 2.55 miles at 7:52 average pace with two surges.

AT = 30:00 Minutes (Buffet). 4.42 miles at 6:48 average pace:

Track -- 9:46 minutes at 6:46 average pace.

Hills -- 9:55 minutes at 6:46 average pace.

Flat/Rolling -- 10:19 minutes at 6:50 average pace.

Thought maybe that I'd run the hills a little too hard, so relaxed some when I got to City Park. All that did was cause my focus to slip just enough to struggle with head/cross winds and slow down 0:04 seconds per mile. Otherwise a pretty salty morning of training.

Down = 2.51 miles at 7:57 average pace. Someone dumped their change. Nickel and five pennies all in one place.
