Run: Treadmill @ 1.5% Previous Next


6:35 AM

1.5 mi


7:51 mi

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Temp 7 (-7) Wind 9 mph.

Sharpening / Aerobic. Pass up the chance to join the Stunt of the Month Club for their sub-0° four mile jaunt (or five for the handful that "need the miles") through the streets of CG and opt to stick close to home for this. According to them, that makes me a "princess" and a "sissy", but guess I will have to live with those labels; at least to the next local race.

Start with a jog to City Park. 2.15 miles at 7:53 average pace. Next up is 8 x 10-12 second hill repeats with 2:00 minute walk intervals. Originally planned to jog on over to the track to do my 3/4s effort tempo; however, (1) not getting accurate read on perceived effort in all this gear, and (2) exposed skin around eyes does not need to be out in this much longer. Instead, head back home. 1.51 miles at 8:05 average pace.

Strip down to shorts and tee, put on my flats, head downstairs, and hop on The Beast. 20:00 minutes at 3/4s effort = 2.91 miles at 6:53 average pace. Started at 8.6 mph and finished at 8.9 mph. Short stretch out, changed back into the Brooks, and held the cool-down to 12:00 minutes (1.53 miles) to avoid beating myself up on the TM before tonight's lower-body lift.

Ashtray dump in parking lot at bottom of hill on Russell Street. Forty-seven pennies, a dime, and a nickel.
