Run: Easy Previous Next


4:54 AM

5.7 mi


7:40 mi


71 F
  • Map


Temp 71 Winds Calm. Humidity 91% Dew Point 68°.

16/16/12 AT Run. Damn dark again, and steamy too. Wanting to stick fairly close to my normal regiment, just back off some of the volume. Did switch workouts last two days to allow four days recovery from hill repeats instead of three.

Up = 1.99 miles at 8:02 average pace. Two short surges.

AT = 2.23 miles at 7:11 average pace. Thought I was closer to 7:00 flat. Guess not. Only two inclines / declines of any significance in the neighborhood, so hit both.

Down = 1.52 miles at 7:53 average pace.
