Run: Easy Previous Next


4:35 PM

5.8 mi


9:44 mi


79 F


Temp 79 (Heat Index 81) Wind 4 mph. Humidity 68% Dew Point 68 degrees

Day-after run. Looking to do 45-60 minutes or 6 miles on some sore legs. Amateur effort wearing IPOD. Jogged straight to the track and did a few laps around each way. Thought a lot about next week's training plan. Almost forgot to leave enough gas in the tank to climb home.

Back to 5K training for 9/20. Will do 8 mile days Mon-Wed. 4 on Thurs. Speed Work Friday - 3x1200 w/ 400 jog intervals + warm-up and cool-down. Couple more that evening, 4 on Saturday, and an 11ish Long Run Sunday.

Yesterday's performance has sunk in some. Did everything I set out to do except exceed expectations on time. I thought I may have made another big jump to running sub-7 miles over an extended distance, but fell short. Looking back now, 5 of the 8 miles were mostly flat: 1, 5, 6, 7, & 8. My splits were 6:58, 6:59, 7:02, 6:59, & 6:48. Basically sub-7 miles. I lost all my seconds climbing in miles 2-4; i.e. "racing" smart. Noticed also when looking at post-race pics, my hair and shirt look like I've just stepped out of the shower. It was on the muggy side. Need to put this down as a "W" and move on.
