Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:02 AM

2.9 mi


7:45 mi


63 F


Temp 63 Winds Calm. Humidity 92% Dew Point 61°.

AT Tempo. Planning 20/20/20 format. Switching up and starting on hills before finishing on track. Jog about 20:00 minutes with three late surges. Starting at Jax Blvd and Pioneer Orchard Drive.

Took all of 60-90 seconds before cardio in perfect relaxed zone and stride locked in. Was going to do 50/50 hills/track, but went ahead and hung out a little longer on the hills before heading over and finishing with two laps. Ended up going 22+ minutes at 7:45 average. Pace off (9th day in a row without rest and overdressed for weather to off-set getting wet), but effort spot on and execution start to finish near flawless.

Finished with jogging, puddle hopping, and wading 1.83 miles back to the house. May have finally finished off these shoes.

You know, if you'd just man/woman-up and head down to Wynne, AR instead of flying 2000 miles to WA state and running down a 2000 ft. mountain to BQ/PR, you'd have plenty of money to buy all the vintage signs and school buses you desire...
