Run: Speed/Drills Previous Next


6:56 AM

1.1 mi


16:32 mi


11 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 11 (11) Wind 2 mph.

Back-to-Back Long Run (Day 2). Would otherwise feel brutal, except (1) there is no wind, and (2) its 15° warmer than yesterday. Good dynamic stretch out pre-run. Lots of pop. Plan to hit some quick CNS stuff to finish warm-up, then get right into 50K effort...not so fast. First attempt at a hill sprint and hips ain't working. End up jogging for about 15:00 minutes before doing 4 x hill sprints, drills, and a couple of strides. After about 30:00 minutes and three miles of this, that, and the other thing, finally ready to roll. One quick jab from Coach Golden about wearing long pants today and I'm off.

Plan is 65:00 at 50K. End up with 8.44 miles in 1:05:10 for 7:43 average. Was easy on the cardio and stride strong and true start to finish. OK at 7:43 on a training run; however, no way I can physically execute this for four hours. At least, I don't think so? May need to rethink format on B2B weekends in the future. Got locked in early at around 7:49 and every time I relaxed, pace picked up. Splits 7:53 / 7:47 / 7:48 / 7:40 / 7:41 / 7:34 / 7:46 / 7:36 / 3:25 (7:44).

Short cool down jogging of 1.31 miles at 9:11 average pace. Lots of silver out here. Four quarters, three dimes, two nickels, and five pennies. $1.45 and probably left a lot on the table in rush to get in out of the cold.
