Run: Easy Previous Next


5:40 AM

6.6 mi


9:12 mi


78 F


Temp 78 (Heat Index 81) Wind 9 mph. Humid.

Been splitting Thursdays into two runs, but off to St. Louis later this morning for youngest's college pre-enrollment and orientation, so needing to get full six in at one shot.

Little ill-effects from yesterday morning's Tempo workout and a few light circuits (squats, lunges, hip flexors) on the weights last night. Sun is not all the way over the horizion, and heat index and humidity already over 80 on way to record high today. I'm still feeling like a "world beater", so may have to sit on myself.

Easy effort. Didn't dodge the hills by running around them. Relaxed and went at it. Feel of run evolved into Long Run mode. Stride and pace followed around four mile mark. Pace progressed from 9:15 to 8:48. Could feel the new capillaries forming, so tacked on an extra half mile at the end. Two real invigorating runs in a row. Remember to re-hydrate, dude!
