Run: Easy Previous Next


5:02 AM

4.3 mi


8:58 mi


43 F


Temp 43 (39) Wind 6 mph.

Hill Repeats. Have about 10-12 days to get in a few workouts that will have enough time to soak in for use on race day. Will need to make everyone count and avoid overreaching.

Easy jog to the civic center with a few short pick-ups along the way. As expected, a little bumpy at the start 24 hours removed from TM time. 2.10 miles at 9:07 average pace.

Workout = 6 x 0:90 second hill repeats, jog to the bottom, walk, and take off again every 4:00 minutes. Starting at corner of Cricket and Deerwood in front of civic center and making about a 50 foot climb to fire hydrant just past Aberdine Circle. First one about 92/91. Was hitting 86/87 by third time up with last one closer to 85. Suppose to be at 3K/1600 "effort" and was moving at a 7:00ish and below average pace. Felt that execution was excellent and intensity was spot on. Probably not quite ready to challenge Fat Elvis as King of the Hills, but pleased with the effort regardless.

Easy jog back to the house and moving much smoother now. 2.16 miles at 8:49 average pace. Quarter, dime, and three pennies.
