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5:12 AM

3 mi


8:57 mi


37 F
  • Map


Temp 37 (WC 29) Wind 10 mph.

Pre-Race Tune-Up. Rude awakening with sub-freezing wind chill. 20:00 minutes of jogging then finishing with four striders. Three miles exactly...not on purpose.

Race time forecast calls for temps around 40 with 30%-40% chance of rain showers. Wind expected to be 10-15 mph out of the NE. Second-best scenario if there is going to be wind. Would rather it come more out of a ENE direction if its blowing closer to 15 than 10. Otherwise, whatever. Don't really care. If the RD gets the course shaved down from 6.5 to 6.2 miles expect a 10K PR. Primary mission is to finish the race at whatever distance with an average pace of 6:2X. Know the conditioning is there, just have to improve on my race management at this distance. All about prep for run at state 12K record in May.
