Run: Easy Previous Next


8:06 AM

7 mi


8:33 mi


46 F


Temp 46 (WC 41) Wind 9 mph.

Hour @ Easy Effort. Cool damp air = stiff and achy. At least it is dry enough to put on a decent pair of shoes and not have to worry about trashing them. Not in the mood to run in circles today, so took off on big loop around most of west end of town. Explored a couple of new streets, found a couple of new steep hills. First couple of miles just under 9:00. Pace fell into 8:23-8:25 for next four. Last mile 8:16.

Did a short and sweet back / chest workout last night. Amped up the core exercises and stretched the legs. Replacing some carbs as I type, then will head downstairs to work biceps and triceps. SplitMaster team meeting with reps from Ghisallo Racing tonight. Not sure what all we're going to talk about, but sure sounds like it will be fun and interesting to hear whatever they have to say about their group.
