Run: Long Previous Next


5:48 AM

13.5 mi


8:04 mi


82 F


Temp 82 (Heat Index 91) Wind (when blowing) 10 mph. Humidity 85% Dew Point 77 degrees.

Long Run. With Hammer again on the Hoops for Life course. Plan today is a 5 / 4 / 4. Five mile warm-up, four mile tempo run, and four mile cool-down. Conditions are crap, but at least its too early for the sun to have burnt off the morning cloud cover. Gonna be this way on race day, so won't hurt to suffer through.

5.39 mile warm-up in 44:58. Jog downtown, turn around and back for three striders. Some stretching and fluids.

My plan for tempo (on paper) is 7:00 m/m. Decide we'll both go out at 7:00, he'll drop, I'll drop a little less, and then finish it off individually. Starting with park loop, then hit the course for last three or so. 4.12 mile tempo in 28:24. Splits were 6:49 / 6:45 / 6:52 / 7:11 / 6:35 for last 0.12. Better than what I though initially. 7:11 mile keeping an even effort getting up the last big hill on Lexington.

More stretching and fluids before a 4.02 mile cool-down in 35:35. Solid workout. Will have to see what we get weatherwise for race next weekend. This one will hurt some folks.
