Run: Easy Previous Next


4:55 AM

7.1 mi


8:56 mi


63 F


Temp 63 Wind 9 mph.

Before and after Hill Repeat session. Jog to the track for drills and striders. 1 x skipping / high-knee skipping / marching / bounding / foot shuffles / butt kicks. Jogging / strider / jogging intervals. Go-with-the-flow effort on striders. Startred in mid-5s and moved closer to 6:00 as workout progressed. Followed jog to the park with some more stretching.

Post-session cool down jog home. 1.70 miles in 14:41. Ate a bug on the way.

Kept weight workout simple. 5 x 12 neutral stance squats with light weight. Intervals of 4 x 10 lunges and 1 minute of stretching.
