Run: Easy Previous Next


4:42 AM

6.5 mi


7:58 mi


3 F


Temp 3 (0) Wind 3 mph.

Hill Repeats. No precipitation or significant wind, just cold. Can deal with "just cold". Bit of a rough night waking up and not being able to go back to sleep, so some general fatigue; however, was lazy all day yesterday so legs are fresh.

Up = 2.89 miles in 22:54 with two surges in the Orchard School parking lot. Making double sure that I'm good and warmed up.

5 x 60 Second Hill Repeats. Jog to bottom, then a strider. Jog / walk recoveries, starting a new rep every 5:00 minutes. Four of five were very good. Ran with my mouth covered on the one that wasn't.

Down = Extended jog through town of 3.62 miles in 28:54. Wind picking up and wind chill was -7 by the time I got back in the door. Eyelashes freezing to face cover and making it hard to blink at times. Was 50% of the community's running population this morning. Other guy was my neighbor who is usually just walking. Must have been in a hurry to get back inside today. Only two pennies, but that's not a zero.
