Run: Easy Previous Next


6:29 AM

3.2 mi


9:00 mi


72 F
  • Map

City Park


Temp 72 Wind 5 mph. Humid (91%) Dew Point 69 degrees.

Three miles @ Easy Effort to finish week. Turned the last two miles into mini-workout by pushing some on the climbs and finishing with a strider. 9:32 / 9:02 / 8:41. Weather suffocating.

Poor job re-hydrating after Recovery Run yesterday. Not enough fluid after run, then sat and ate lunch telling myself several times, "Drink three glasses of water, drink three glasses of water." Drank one. Next few hours on my feet running around picking things up for son's dorm room. Fatigue and cramps nailed me. Got to be better and smarter than that.

Extended days between Long Runs to get schedule back to normal. Will allow for Speedwork session next week.
