Run: Repeats Previous Next


5:28 AM

2.8 mi


10:48 mi


69 F


Temp 69 Wind 2 mph. Humidity 95% Dew Point 68°.

Hill Repeats. Warm and muggy. Some sprinkles the first few minutes. Month of racing and three weeks into cycle, recoveries starting to come quicker and strength starting to show. Extended warm-up with two surges. 27:29 minutes, 3.10 miles.

6 x 1:00 Minute Hill Repeats:

1 & 4 - Springing first 60 meters, then ran it out.

2 & 5 - Bounding first 60 meters, then ran it out.

3 & 6 - Ran the duration (6:05 / 5:53).

Jogged to bottom after each rep, hit a strider, then walked the rest of the 4:00 minute interval. Top-out turnover speed on last five striders between 5:34 - 5:17. Honestly, probably tore into this a little too hard today. Have no real business doing one minute hill reps at 6:05 and 5:53 pace.

Cool-down of 24:03 minutes, 2.77 miles. Quarter, nickel, and two pennies. New mulch at the skate park is like shooting fish in a barrel. Over a buck (again) for the week.
