Run: Easy Previous Next


4:37 AM

3.3 mi


8:35 mi


51 F
  • Map


Temp 51 Wind 2 mph.

Intervals. About 25:00 minutes of warm ups including 1.76 miles of jogging at 8:26 average pace, two full drill sets, and two striders.

Workout is 5 x 400. Don't have use of a track, so will go from point A to point B on neighborhood streets, then jog back to start point. About 0.25 running and 0.28 jogging which includes going down, then back up a hill. Almost a fartlek and imprecise enough to give Ms. Running an aneurysm, but hey, what are you gonna do?

Splits of 6:16 / 6:23 / 6:16 / 6:20 / 6:18. First felt too quick out of the gate. Backed down and started over. Some problems again with the darkness and shadows; however, all were pretty good. Clearly the fourth one was the best execution-wise. It was a 6:20, so that was probably the pace of the day. Ankle did not bark once. Now, need a few more of these.

Very easy cool down jog of 1.5 miles at 8:43 average pace. Day break from running to let 'er soak in.
