Run: Easy Previous Next


5:09 AM

7.4 mi


8:29 mi


64 F


Temp 64 Wind 5 mph. Humidity 99% Dew Point 64°.

Eleven with Four at HME. Humid and muggy yesterday, worse today. Not complaining, need to train in this. Nice that rain has cleared some of the pollen-muck out of the air. Run/Bike at City Park and 5K at Jr. High, so get out early before streets are flooded with 400-500 others. Ended up going a little longer on my warm-up to let sun get some light through the haze. 4.16 miles at 8:24 average pace.

Hills yesterday and lots of hills tomorrow, so whole tempo will be on track. Cotton tee already wet and heavy. Drop it and run the workout skins. Average 6:55 pace with splits of 6:57 / 7:01 / 6:49 / 6:53. Focus drifted in mile two; other than that, effort felt spot on and more even than the splits would indicate. Fall off in final mile probably had more to do with not having fresh fast twitches to recruit.

Down = 3.20 miles at 8:34 average pace. Lean payoff for a Saturday. Two dimes and mostly pennies (10). Skies are looking like the 400-500 may get really wet.
