Run: Long Previous Next


11:00 AM

3.5 mi


25:43 mi


145 lb
54 bpm



10 / 10
9 / 10


This was a very long walk with short runs in between, where I could. I went way far N. on the Forest Service Road to where it splits off. I have never been that far. I took some short breaks to take in the view, eat raisins, and drink water. I wore for the first time my pink waist band water holder and little pouch, and took my opera glasses. Saw a Bob Cat!!!! The dog didn't even bark, but chased it off the road. By the time I reached the place to turn around (I couldn't decide to turn right or left on the road, so went home instead.), I realized my back was hurting, I was hungry and thirsty, and tired. I over did on this long run/walk today, but will take tomorrow completely off. In short, I over did today, but it was a neat adventure. On the downhill path, Robby chased another large animal. OH, I saw plenty of evidence of bears..
