Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:30 PM

5800 m


5:33 mi


72 F


8 / 10
7 / 10
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20' tempo run, goal 5:20-5:30.

20' tempo run on the track at LCC high school, it was sorta on the way home and was a great facility to run at actually. Wasn't feeling particularly primed for a good workout but I figured I would be fine based on how previous "hard" days have gone. Was secretly hoping I would be able to go out and run 5:20s no problemo, but it wasn't to be. Splits:



5:34 (17:14 @ 5k)

3:27 (last k, ~5:30 pace)

So it was for sure a slower pace than I'd hoped based on the 10k. But I'd say it was still a pretty solid run. It was pretty dang tough running that long on the track solo, hadn't done that in a while. I'd say I was really starting to strain about halfway in, so I'm pretty glad that I was able to stay focused and more or less hold a consistent pace for the second half. I suppose that 5:30 is about where my tempo pace is these days, and that's ok... If I can do a solo 30' tempo at 5:30 pace at the end of the summer then I'll be in a good spot for real training.

3rd fastest 15+' tempo, behind only the one two weeks ago (15' @ 5:30) and the one from the spring that I was so excited about (20' @ 5:2x w/ Brian, bobby, Aldous). If I had company today, probably would be in the same ballpark.
