Rowing: Steady Previous Next


12:10 PM

5 km


9.36 mi / hr

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<No name>


20 pushups first, then got on the rower for a steady 5k w/ last 1k "easy push". My ipod died about 3' into this and it quickly turned into a grind. Whether from pushups or just prior fatigue, was not feeling it today... considered stopping at 2k but just kept talking myself into another 500m. Averaged 2:02 / 500 @ 22 spm for the first 4k and then hit the last 1k hard. Averaged 1:49 / 500 @ 26 spm. I was way out there by 200m in but I managed to hold on all the way through. It was pretty fun and was mildly satisfying to break 20. Curious now what I could do for 500m and 2k TTs.

This was supposed to be the easy row for the week, but it was probably my hardest one yet. No more rowing this weekend, probably more next week ALTHOUGH who knows! Maybe I'll be ready to jump back into the full running regime.
