Run: Easy Previous Next


4:30 PM

6.5 mi


6:37 mi


ASICS Duomax

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<No name>


Ran a second run for the day, with Paul. Went to Osborns, did the same basic loop we had done with Wes- shattered the course record. We ran it so fast that I've decided it can't possibly be 7 miles, like I first thought- 6.5 seems a more reasonable estimate. This was a tough run for me. I hung in with Paul the whole time, but there were some tough spots- I think he may have slowed down for me at points. Still, I did my best to push through it, and completing 6-7 miles at what is almost a tempo pace for me is a solid run. I can only get better at these, I figure, and running with Paul, while exhausting, seems like it should be a rewarding endeavor. Tried to welcome fatigue today, and practice running through it. If I am truly running these decently long runs like this at a pace a good margin under 7 minutes, then I would think that I could do tempo runs of 3 miles or so under 6 minute pace. And if I can do that, then running a 5k race at 5:40 pace or better also seems reasonable.
