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12:00 PM

8 km


5:37 mi

Race Result

117 / 255 (45.9%)


Preregionals, hosted by SUNY Geneseo @ Letchworth State Park. Pretty easy course, very flat, mostly grass, it rained hard this morning but the course drained well. Goal was to go out very relaxed for the first two miles and then see what happened.

First mile chilled super hard, basically just jogging, saw Paul + Brian not too far ahead of me so wasn't too worried. First mile was 5:45+... so slower than I had planned, but I was not too worried, I felt fine and picked it up. Moved up really well through mile 2 and 3 (~11:15, ~16:40 - so ~5:30/~5:25?). Anyway, I moved up a lot, was feeling pretty good, managed the one hill fine. Was in 9th on the team at 3.5 miles or so when we crossed the road and hit the turnaround. And then I don't really know what happened, I settled a bit and stopped catching people and then got passed by a few RPI guys and then I thought I was working hard the last mile but I must've been soo slow because I don't think I was that far back from them at 4 miles but I finished 20-28 seconds back. I'm not sure, I guess I was further back from them now that I think about it because I tried to put in a surge at 4 miles and I don't think they were right in front of me. And I had a good final 300-400m but the 800-1000 before that was shit.

It was a PR I guess but duh. It's a fast course of course I would PR. My preseason goal for this race was to be in the top-12 on the team but I can't say I'm particularly jacked about that either.

Ok well I hate to say it and I've been trying to find a way around it for a long time but I am terrible at racing. I don't know why and I would love for that not to be the case but I don't see another explanation. I should be in great shape and able to run well but I'm not seeing it. And I don't really know what to do about it.

Well I reckon I should think positively on account of I don't see much benefits of thinking negatively. Maybe something will click in the next few weeks.

Team is good but have our work cut out for us.



just let the good times roll...

Robert LaMarre

i assume you mean the cars version


why would I be talking to Robert LaMarre about the cars?

Robert LaMarre

surely not the shirley and lee version...

Paul Malek

Yo next race I'm giving you a swift smack in the head so you're not able to think as much during the race


My man, we will talk tomorrow....but there is a key sentence in that paraphrase of the race...."I settled a bit and stopped catching people"...never settle 1.5 miles from the finish. You are on a rally train, running people down for 2.5 miles and you second guessed it. HOLD STRONG!!! Settling is for mile 1.


Also btw, it may be a fast course but it most certainly was not a fast day, which is too bad. The humidity and the morning rain slowed things down. Guarantee anyone who runs at regionals at least 20 sec faster from conditions alone. This Saturday looks to be a fast day.


Also btw, 25 second PR from Libery Leagues which was a blazing course in outstanding conditions on fresh legs....I would say, be happy.