50 and over 5k and beyond

July - Too hot to trot (Read 11 times)

Art in AZ

    I'll start this month.


    3 miles Monday morning and it felt brutal out. Temp was 93 degrees at 7:00 AM and I could feel the humidity was up a little. Didn't feel like running much. Tomorrow another day.


    Rich - The treadmill sounds like a great buy with everything working. Nice score. Thought of doing more miles after dropping off the bagels but wanted to beat the heat with the few things I wanted to do. There will be no excuses come this winter. I like running but could easily ride the bike if I felt like going for a short ride. Any breeze generated now is welcome.


    AZ - No big plans for the weekend. Everyone thinks it's too hot out. Can't say I blame them, it is. Probably try to do some stuff on the car early, get some garden clean up going as the heat has gotten to most of the plants. Except the peppers. That along with some running and probably a bike ride.

    Art in AZ

    Mesa, AZ

    Ragged but Right

      Thanks Art for starting the month! Saturday my cousin John and his wife Copper were visiting Rochester from Chandler Arizona. I met them and took them for a nice walk in Highland Park followed by dinner at a Thai food restaurant. They said I was welcome to stay with them if I ever come out to run a race in Arizona. Bad news is my brother in law passed away peacefully last week at the age of 86. Today I did a short run of about 2 1/3 miles, my first in about two months! It felt good to be running again! It was a bit overcast and about 76 degrees. Took a dip in the pool afterwards. I'm going out now to work on the garden fence, still unfinished!

      Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
      Get up, get out, get out of the door!

        Altair:  deepest condolences to you and your family.  And good to hear of your running miles. Gotta start somewhere. I use to live near Chandler, in Mesa AZ for a few years.  Thai food sounds so good right now.  How long are they visiting there?


        Art:  LOVE the title!!    Glad you got us started on a new month.  I posted last in  June ...... in case anyone missed it.  Just asking what everyone's plans are for the long holiday weekend.  We are staying close to home.  Master bathroom remodel needs to get done.  I always remember those HIGH roasting temps at 6 am .......when I use to run there. Good lord!! I don't know how I survived .......but we are having very high temps here too.  You deserve a day off from the heat.  Any summer races planned?


        Mon:  rest day.

        Today:  got up at 5 am!! Yes, I did!! Drove to Mt Eldon TH.  Hiked/jogged up/down, nice and cool with the breeze as I got closer to the top. Only met 2 hikers going up.  Coming down is when I met up more hikers. it's 3 miles from TH to the top, 2300 gain and loss, about 9300 ft elevation.  After coming back down about 3/4 of the way, it gives an option of going left for a loop trail, or right, which takes you back to the TH.  I usually take the left and run the 1.6 mile back to the TH.  Other times, I take the left and another left for an out and back, an extra 4.5 miles.  Great hike/run today.  Hope to do this twice/week to get my training for pikes peak.

        Drove home. Had couple of meetings today.

        Art in AZ

          Another 3 mile run Tuesday morning. Was only in the mid 80s, so a little "cooler" compared to yesterday.


          Altair - Sorry to hear about your brother in law. Bet your cousin and wife are enjoying slightly cooler weather. Always nice to visit with family. A short run most days is a way to keep going and get back into running. Good luck with the fence.


          AZ - Hot weather is a good excuse to stay in and finish the bathroom project. No races planned. Have no motivation for doing one in this heat. Running that trail sounds like good practice for Pikes Peak.

          Art in AZ

          Mesa, AZ


          not bad for mile 25

            Hi Everybody! Altair5 invited me to join this group, so here I am. I'm not very good about checking my group threads, so if I'm really sporadic, it's me, not you!


            Yep, it's firecracker hot. I almost run in the mornings, so it's in the 70s but muggy. I think I sweated off a few pounds this morning.


            This week (Sunday), I'll be running an annual road mile race. I feel like I've been getting slower over the past three years, but I've been trying to improve by running intervals once a week.  I guess somewhere around 7:00 for the mile would be durn good for me at this stage.


            Since I have tomorrow off, I'll do the week's long(ish) run then. Don't want to do it the day before the race.


            Good luck everybody, coping with the heat, and with life!

            Art in AZ

              4.7 miles Wednesday morning in the usual weather. On some of my routes running earlier has the advantage of catching some shade on parts when I do a North or South direction. But no such luck on any East/West running. Weather is windy right now. So I am hoping it will calm down or go away by Thursday afternoon. Wouldn't want anything to interfere with the fireworks shows. Enjoy the 4th everyone.


              LedLincoln - Welcome aboard. I recognize your name from the forums. Always good to have another persons experience and opinions. I feel the same as you with the slowing down. Trying to see if I can get to where I was a couple of years ago. It seems like everything is taking longer this time.

              Art in AZ

              Mesa, AZ

              Ragged but Right

                Led Lincoln - Glad you have joined us! Don't worry if your posts are sporadic, some of the group only pop in every once and a while but we are still glad to hear from them. I guess we are all dealing with the summer heat. I don't think I've done a race shorter than a 5K. Good luck with the mile, I would consider anything close to 7 minutes impossible for me right now. It does get harder to maintain speed as we age, but you are doing the right training with the weekly intervals


                .az- One of the challenges as runners is to find shoes that work for you! Glad the Salomon trail shoes have good insoles for you and don't cost too dearly.Nice to do the scenic hike with your niece.You did some long trail runs, good that you have people to run with. Way to cope with the heat by getting those mountain breezes! Good luck with the bathroom remodel!


                Art - You are another one that handles the extreme heat! Early morning are the way to go! I'm just imagining that frozen water bottle completely melting during your run. Who was it that got that insulated bottle? The bike ride must have generated a cooling breeze as you went for those bagels! Shade is blessed relief on a hot run.


                Rich - Yeah, you got a real bargain with that treadmill you lucky dog! Still scaring people? Now I have deer in my yard every day and never heard them make any vocalization! Guess I would have to hear you say "hello" to know what they sound like! You must also be a ventriloquist if your voice sounds like it is coming from the trees! Well, little by little you will get back to running, you made some progress already with those short jogs. Just don't push it! With the ice afterwards, the walk breaks and biking as cross training you can make progress!


                As I said, I'm just getting back into running after a long break. I was slightly sore from yesterday's run. It was overcast, 76 degrees and very humid. I did a slow run of about 2 miles. Right now I am just trying to get used to running again and will gradually increase my distances when I feel ready.


                My cousin and his wife are in Rochester for the week but have a full schedule. John plays the organ and is a member of American Theatre Organ Society. They are doing a bus tour of the local theaters, music schools and churches. This include Rochester, Buffalo and surrounding areas. Fortunately they had a day available when I could see them. John said it was 114 degrees in Arizona when he left, but it was dry heat. Here is is cooler, but can get very humid and uncomfortable. Today it got into the upper 80s with high humidity and a bit of rain. Tomorrow will be even hotter and still muggy.

                Church Organ

                One of the church organs - Christ Church - Two manual, 33 stop instrument modeled after the 1776 Adam Gottlob Casparini organ in Vilnius, Lithuania

                .Me, and my cousins - Copper and  John in Highland Park - Rochester NY.

                Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
                Get up, get out, get out of the door!

                Art in AZ

                  6.6 miles Thursday morning. I originally was going to do 4 on the Fourth of July but felt good and the weather didn't feel bad so I ran more. Plus I did a different route to mix it up some.


                  Altair - Slow and steady is in order to get back into it. The weather, while hot, is still in the dry heat phase. Pretty soon though the humidity and dew point will start moving up and we get that same hot and humid feeling you get there. It was probably me mentioning getting the insulated bottles for my long bike rides in the summer. They are too heavy and bulky for me to carry on a longer run. So I freeze my water bottles and go run with them. Sometimes I'll get lucky and come across some sprinklers watering the grass. The water is usually somewhat cool so I'll get a drink then. I always amazed when I see those big organs. I think of the time and skill that went into building it.

                  Art in AZ

                  Mesa, AZ


                    Hi gang!  I got worried when I read about abandoning this thread, glad y’all are sticking it out. If you don’t mind a current non-runner posting I will try to be more frequent.

                    Exercise is mostly for the back/core, not much walking.

                    The back seems about the same. I have another MRI tomorrow that is specific to the lumbar spine; the first one was more of pelvic region to check the muscles, and happened to see the spine problem.   Then hope to be seen in the spine clinic in Madison to get a more expert opinion about best management.

                    DW & I are trying to continue our camping adventures we started last year when we purchased a trailer camper.  Last weekend things got crazy when the recently installed (2 mo ago) rebuilt transmission on my 05 F-150 went out as we neared the campground. ๐Ÿ˜ .   It was towed 25 miles to nearest dealer and is waiting their evaluation.  The rebuilt transmission has a warranty so hopefully the hassle will be the only problem. However I’m not going to trust it again so have spent the last week looking at new half ton pickups.

                    Dances with Dirt @ Devil’s Lake is the 13th and I’ve signed up to volunteer Friday evening and Saturday morning. I will enjoy that!


                    You all are hanging in there with the heat!  Even if I could run ๐Ÿƒ it would be tough in this hot/humid weather.  Very wet spring is continuing and the mosquitoes love it!  ๐Ÿคจ

                    Our neighbors down the hill will be shooting of a lot of fireworks ๐ŸŽ‡ tonight.  They often do it up big!   And those are illegal in Wisconsin but who’s looking!


                    Enjoy the long weekend!







                    not bad for mile 25


                      My cousin and his wife are in Rochester for the week but have a full schedule. John plays the organ and is a member of American Theatre Organ Society. They are doing a bus tour of the local theaters, music schools and churches. This include Rochester, Buffalo and surrounding areas. Fortunately they had a day available when I could see them. John said it was 114 degrees in Arizona when he left, but it was dry heat. Here is is cooler, but can get very humid and uncomfortable. Today it got into the upper 80s with high humidity and a bit of rain. Tomorrow will be even hotter and still muggy.

                      Church Organ

                      One of the church organs - Christ Church - Two manual, 33 stop instrument modeled after the 1776 Adam Gottlob Casparini organ in Vilnius, Lithuania


                      Altair, that is a gorgeous instrument in a gorgeous setting!  Coincidentally, DW and I will be going to a theater organ recital in August at the Rose Theater in Omaha.  Here's the Wurlitzer console:


                      1927 Wurlitzer


                      Rose Theater Wurlitzer

                        Welcome to the group LedLincoln! Can you give a bit of background of you and your running? Muggy weather seems to be the big word for many so I'm not complaining about northern AZ dry and hot.  Although for us in northern AZ, it's been waaaay too hot for us, with temps in the 70s and 80s. Thank goodness, we can head up to the mountains for cooler breezes. Glad you joined us! Maybe you can talk a few others about joining us .......even if its now and then.


                        Altair:  WOW!! What a beautiful photo of the church organ. I can't imagine how incredible the music must sound.  Glad you had some time to spend with family.  I'm sure they are trying to get some sight seeing done ......... often with places we take for granted because we live there or nearby.


                        Hello Dan!! Good to hear from you.  Sorry the injury is still a bothersome.  But I'm glad you will be volunteering for the DWD event. I volunteer when I can and it really is fun with a different perspective, and appreciation for all the work the RD and other volunteers put in.  That must have been so frustrating but glad the insurance will cover the repairs.  What kind of camper trailer did you get that you need a huge truck?


                        Art:  It's always a treat to get in extra miles when you run a different trail/route. I know it must be broiling there because most of the traffic here is caused by people from "the valley." There are events going on in the park downtown and at Ft. Tuthill, it's a nightmare for us locals. Good job on running in the heat!!


                        NH:  You must be enjoying the holiday weekend!


                        WED:  rest day.

                        THURS:  drove to Mt Eldon TH again, and was running by 5:30 AM.  Only 2 hikers on their way down but I don't think they made it to the summit. Most tend to hike the smaller loop. But I did catch a couple of hikers on my way up.  I jogged/hiked, stopping only for 30 seconds to drink water. I wanted to compare my time from Tues.  And I made it to the top in 1 hr, 16 minutes. Almost 15 minutes faster, YAY!! Very breezy at the top, 9300 ft. Love the scenic view!

                        Then, on my way down, there were more hikers. I jogged down most of the way, hiking in the more rocky areas. Then took the left turn at the sign, ran to another connecting trail, out and back.  Finished 4.5 miles. WHEW!! It got warm by the time I got back to parking lot.

                        This hiking trail to the top is very popular, especially to visitors so the parking lot gets FULL quickly. Many aren't ready for the altitude so they usually turn around while others stop and rest in the shade, slowing making their way up.

                        I hope to get in a long run 14-16 miles on Saturday.  Then taper next week for my 20k trail run on the 13th.

                        FRI(today):  rest day.

                        Art in AZ

                          Quick 3.9 miles Friday morning before getting ready for some work. Saw a lot of walkers and a few bikers out. Must of had the day off.


                          Dan - Sounds like they are getting closer to discovering what is causing your pain. At least we hope so. Too bad your truck's transmission went out on your trip. In your case I think I would be doing the same thing in looking for something new and can feel a little more comfortable with on those trips. Have fun at Dances with Dirt.


                          AZ - Nice trail runs there. You were up early if you were at the trailhead at 5:30. Enjoy your trip and race next weekend. May you have great weather for running and no pains.

                          Art in AZ

                          Mesa, AZ

                          Art in AZ

                            Felt like a longer run this morning. So grabbed my frozen water bottles, stick of gum and out I went. Did 8.5 miles along the canal. There were a couple of walking water breaks in the run but wasn't too bad out there. Spent the rest of the day cleaning the area where I'm going to prime the car and getting everything ready for an early morning painting session.

                            Art in AZ

                            Mesa, AZ

                            Art in AZ

                              3.9 miles Monday morning in slightly cooler weather. I could feel the temp was down a few degrees and there was a breeze to go with it. But we'll pay for it later this week when we get to Thursday and Friday. Already they are predicting excessive heat warnings for then.

                              Art in AZ

                              Mesa, AZ

                              NH Runner

                                Tuesday,7/9... my computer died a week or so ago and after waiting almost a week for the new one to arrive, I had trouble getting the new one up to speed.  That's all behind me now, thankfully...


                                Running's going nicely, I ran 5 on the trail yesterday with no walk breaks and no issues with P.F., so it looks like I'm good to go.   Last Monday, Wednesday and Friday I ran, Tuesday I rode the bike and Thursday the tryke, so it's all good.


                                The bell I bought to alert people I was approaching from behind didn't work.  Tried it for the first time on the 2 women who'd looked for me in the trees the other day and rung the thing as loud as it would go 3 separate times as I closed in on 'em from behind and the ol' girls never heard a peep...Lol  Finally said "good morning" and they did the usual duck and spin move, shocked that someone was behind 'em.   I said, "I even bought a bell so you'd know I was there" and rung it again.   One of 'em said, "We probably talk too much"...Lol  I got a bell I'll sell cheap if anyone's interested...


                                Also got relatives in town for the next week or so, so I'll probably be spotty checking in.  Wanted to say welcome to LedLincoln, it's good to see a new member posting!


                                Hello to everyone else, I'll get caught with posts soon...