Beginners and Beyond

ThursDAILIES Offering $100.00 To All Members - Inquire Within (Read 302 times)


Team TJ

    Good morning folks.


    LRB, that cat pic rocks!


    RMTB, good luck this evening.


    Me, I plan on getting in some Newton transitional miles this afternoon after work.  I may go do it at lunch if it is slow here, which it appears it will be.

    Running for TJ because he can't.



      URD for me.  Sick as a dog.  Sad

      Do you even run?

      Purple Toes

        Lol, LRB. I love that cat!


        I'm heading out for 5-6 with my running partner in a bit. Need more coffee. Yawn.


          Supp Peeps!


          4 treadmill miles done - 9:00 pace.


          We got dumped on pretty good overnight with about 8 inches of snow, so barring an unlikely heat wave I will be Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' on the Treadmill Saturday and Sunday as well.


          Generally speaking I hate the treadmill, but there is no way in hell I'm running in this crap so I will actually be looking forward to it.


          There are worse not running at all.


          delicate flower

            Generally speaking I hate the treadmill, but there is no way in hell I'm running in this crap so I will actually be looking forward to it. 


            Amen to that!  Cold doesn't bother me no matter how cold it is.  Lousy conditions bother me.



              Flo, hey babe!


              Enjoy memory lane Weez!


              Baysa, you are welcome!


              Jeep, funny story in yesterdays dailies regarding all that red!


              Hi ma!


              Tom and Lilac, as long as I owe you, you will never be broke!  Smile


              Boon, we matched your 8.


              Hi D, that's CGI, we're good.


              April, and now that you're woke!


              Kay, get well!


              Rob, Purp, we're kindred spirits!

                So it seems Santa misread my request for a treadmill, and brought me a diagnosis of ITBS, instead. Booo. Bad Santa. He's now on my naughty list.

                Any of you with ITBS experience- how long did it keep you from running? Mine just showed up a couple of weeks ago and I don't think I aggravated it too much since I stopped running each time it started to hurt. Rolling, stretching, and exercising it all over the place this week. Wondering how long I should wait before I give it a try again? 

                Have to say, I'm kind of glad to have an excuse not to be out running *this* morning, though- several inches out there so far, with up to a foot predicted.


                LRB- I'll PM you my address.  How soon can you get me that check? 


                Weezer- I love those old shows, too.  And so do my kids- we're working our way through The Andy Griffith Show on Netflix.  They also like the Dick Van Dyke Show.  : )


                Heidi- I've missed something- what happened to your knee?  I hear you on the short laps bit- I had to bail on my last three runs and it was not so fun walking home.  This is yet another time I'd find a treadmill useful!


                Hope you all have a great day!  : )

                "...You have to have faith, to know that you can do what you want to do."  -Joseph Nzau



                  Amen to that!  Cold doesn't bother me no matter how cold it is.  Lousy conditions bother me.

                  I saw a few runners out last night in the middle during the heavy fall of the storm.  I cannot say that I never would do that...but it would have to be a pretty big frickin dog chasing me to ensure it!

                  Just B.S.

                    Morning everyone! Huge storm heading our way starting later and into Friday morning. Our son is supposed

                    to fly back to school at 6am, looks like that might now happen, which is fine with me.Big grin School doesn't start

                    until Jan 9th so as far as I'm concerned he can stay home until the 8th! It's so wonderful having him home and

                    seeing all his friends again.


                    Will try to get in 8 miles or so before the ice pellets start this afternoon.


                    LRB, I will have to show that to my son, he is a Batman fanatic.

                    RMTB, hope all is well with the knee

                    Weezer, I totally love those older shows too. We gave our older son (23) the WKRP DVD last year for Christmas

                    and it totally cracks him up. His favorite to watch right now is M.A.S.H. I find the early 20's crowd is really into what

                    they call the "retro" TV shows

                    Flarunner, Dang! It was 3F here yesterday, I will seriously try not to be jealous

                    Step, I am tired reading about your day! I stayed home with our boys for 10 years, busiest and best 10 years of my

                    life. Enjoy you day!

                    Kristin, I started to get a bit of ITBS 2 weeks ago, I've had it years ago and knew the signs so I immediately cut

                    back on the miles, run easy, roll  and poof it's gone. Its something best caught early and taken care of quickly.

                    Sounds like you are doing the right things. If you can get your hubby to roll it for you and stretch the heck out of

                    it. Pilates type side leg lifts and pigeon post stretches are always good.


                    And yup, that's the weather that may keep my boy at home longer! Yuck/Yeah!


                    Oops! Gotta run, hubby is calling for something. He is upstairs working on the bathroom reno and I downstairs

                    goofing off!LOL


                    Hope everyone has  a great day!


                      Any of you with ITBS experience- how long did it keep you from running? Mine just showed up a couple of weeks ago and I don't think I aggravated it too much since I stopped running each time it started to hurt. Rolling, stretching, and exercising it all over the place this week. Wondering how long I should wait before I give it a try again? 

                      I changed my shoes, picked up a pair of green Superfeet, did some hip and balancing exercises and did not run for five weeks.  Honestly though, I probably didn't need that much time off, but after experiencing pain to the point where I had to walk home, I wasn't taking any chances!


                      Good luck...oh, and the check is in, um mail!  Wink


                        Good morning! I will try skiing today.


                        be well and have a food day.



                        Skirt Runner

                          Popping in to say good morning. Heidi how is your knee? Kristin79 sorry about the ITBS Sad


                          Planning on a SRD today, but  I may try to do some strength/toning exercises in my apartment. Off work today, but staying home to get things done around here so I should have no trouble squeezing some time with my little free weights and resistance band in.


                          Have a good day!

                          PRs:   5K- 28:16 (5/5/13)      10K- 1:00:13 (10/27/13)    4M- 41:43 (9/7/13)   15K- 1:34:25  (8/17/13)    10M- 1:56:30 (4/6/14)     HM- 2:20:16 (4/13/14)     Full- 5:55:33 (11/1/15)


                          I started a blog about running :) Check it out if you care to


                            Good morning! I will try skiing today.


                            be well and have a food day.


                            I like food!


                            Big grin


                            Hi Beth!


                            Kris, one other thing, I never used a foam roller on my ITB.  The whole concept of rolling something till it "hurts like the Dickens" is foreign to me.  I chose to find the root cause of the problem instead.

                            Shakedown Street

                              6 on the treadmill at lunch followed by 1K in the pool.

                              Started-5/12, RWOL refugee,5k-24:23 (1/12/13),10K-55:37(9/15/12),HM-1:52:59(3/24/13)


                              Former Bad Ass

                                ITBS is usually caused by some underlying issue, like an imbalance or something else.  Rest and get the ITB better but until you find what's causing it, it will reoccur.


                                So it seems Santa misread my request for a treadmill, and brought me a diagnosis of ITBS, instead. Booo. Bad Santa. He's now on my naughty list.

                                Any of you with ITBS experience- how long did it keep you from running? Mine just showed up a couple of weeks ago and I don't think I aggravated it too much since I stopped running each time it started to hurt. Rolling, stretching, and exercising it all over the place this week. Wondering how long I should wait before I give it a try again? 

                                Have to say, I'm kind of glad to have an excuse not to be out running *this* morning, though- several inches out there so far, with up to a foot predicted.


                                LRB- I'll PM you my address.  How soon can you get me that check? 


                                Weezer- I love those old shows, too.  And so do my kids- we're working our way through The Andy Griffith Show on Netflix.  They also like the Dick Van Dyke Show.  : )


                                Heidi- I've missed something- what happened to your knee?  I hear you on the short laps bit- I had to bail on my last three runs and it was not so fun walking home.  This is yet another time I'd find a treadmill useful!


                                Hope you all have a great day!  : )
