Beginners and Beyond

Foot in Mouth Disease FriDAILIES (Read 41 times)


    Anyone not run the day before a marathon? Not sure I will be able to squeeze one in tomorrow morning.


    I really would not stress over that. I *think* I didn't run before my first. In Boston I ran 3 with LRB and Jay, and this last time I ran 3. I actually run a lot less than most of you in the days before a race. I don't see the point. My training is done. It's time to rest.

    I get heavy legs late in the race, like 20+ miles in, not at the start.


    Former Bad Ass

      Anyone not run the day before a marathon? Not sure I will be able to squeeze one in tomorrow morning.


      I would run my 3 tomorrow if I was not traveling. I know my husband would have a busy day ahead for us so I wouldn't even try.



        Looks like I might be able to squeeze a few in if I get up in time. Sort of reluctant to set the alarm in case I am actually able to sleep later. Probably better to get the sleep than the miles. Pfitz says 4 but I'm sure 3 will be fine. Or zero. This is the most insignificant thing possible, but if I can't talk about it here, where can I?



          Anyone not run the day before a marathon? Not sure I will be able to squeeze one in tomorrow morning.


          Yes, it's fine. I've also done it quite a few times for other race distances without issue.


             When I followed the Higdon plan for my first...


            I rested 3 days going into my first.