Masters Running


Wednesdaily, 2.21.2024 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    RCG, I'll miss your lyrical posts while you are AWOL. Come back soon.


    Dave, I am very, very glad you chose not to quit the forum. Your perspectives are welcome and important, and it's great to read about all your Parkruns and other adventures. I view this place as a refuge from the stresses of life, rather than a contributor to them.


    I'm opting out of the DEI comments here: It is too much of a politically-charged issue these days, and discussions about it are much better held face-to-face that via typed messages, which is not a commentary on anyone here's sincerity or intentions, but rather just how I view the challenges of communicating about complex and nuanced topics.


    Surly Bill, DW would, at the least, give me a very dirty look if I ever said that we 'let' women wear pants. Better that I should rightfully observe that many women these days literally and figuratively wear the pants at home and at work.


    Yesterday, I opted to stay in in the morning and did 90 minutes of core work and weights, which I hadn't done since late last week, and I could feel the difference after 4-5 days' absence. I also got out for an EZ 2.2 mile afternoon walk.


    This morning, after taking a few minutes to decide how to start the day, I headed out for an RW workout. It was a refreshing 19° out, with just enough of a breeze to make a difference. I was slightly under-dressed, and I could have used some glove liners in my mittens. I contemplated doing some fartleks, but instead just kept the pedal down to try to generate enough heat to be comfortable. I did some stretching when I got home, and the hot shower after that felt great. However, the fingers on my right hand were still numb to the extent that it was a challenge to button my shirt because I couldn't feel the buttons. Eventually, the fingers got their feeling back, but that was a good reminder to make sure that my hands are well protected when I go out in somewhat chillier weather.


    Have a greta Wednesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      I fooled Garmin last night. I slept terrible but I got a high sleep score from Garmin. I was awake but I was not moving around.


      In light of that I didn't do any workout this morning. My plan is to take some walk breaks in-between meetings today. Getting more work piled on today so I'll need to do something other than sit at my desk for hours.


      Going up to 65° today here in Huntington WV. Meanwhile, near our place up in Gaylord MI they are getting the slopes ready. I took a screen shot of the webcam at




        Thanks, Jay.   Dave- that's beautiful.  We are having warm afternoons here, too.  43 and sunny for my run this morning.  I still feel like I ran a marathon a couple of days ago, which I did not.  I really hate medication and side effects.  I am convinced this is from the infusion.  I hope my legs and body adjust to it.


        I have an appointment for that ganglion cyst on my finger.  Oh joy.    We have a basketball game tonight and our own fans, if they even show up, are very contentious right now and want to fire the coach.  It's ugly on the message boards.  I'm pro-coach and I can't even post on Twitter/X about it because I get absolutely hammered.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


        Marathon Maniac #957

          Nice picture, Dave!  Glad I'm not there, though.  We are supposed to hit a high of 62 today!  I like that much better.


          I got a credit alert from Experian that I owed $970 for something that a collection agency says I am delinquent on. I disputed it with both the collection agency and Experian.  I got an email from Experian yesterday that said the debt was "validated."  So I spent 2 hours on the phone with various departments at Experian and the collection agency.  I was furious that Experian had the gall to say the debt was confirmed without giving my one iota of evidence or explanation.  Apparently they just call the collection agency and the collection agency says it is my debt, and that is good enough for Experian.    Dropped my credit score 124 points overnight last week when I first got the alert.


          According to the collection agency, the debt comes from a PayDay Loan of $750 that was taken out in May of 2018 by someone who worked at Acme Elevator Services, Inc.  OBVIOUSLY not me.  I am waiting for them to send my whatever evidence they have the points to me.  What a PITA!


          Add to that, we returned a pair of swim trunks unopened that DH had bought online because he found a pair he liked better.  Apparently they gave us the refund, minus $25, to my credit card right when the card had a fraudulent charge that made them shut down that card and send me a new one.  The refund got lost somewhere in that, and I have been fighting since December to get that darn refund.  FINALLY got it, less $25 for shipping and restocking fee.  I can't tell you how many hours I have into this stupid dispute, only to lose 1/3 of the cost.  


          Next, I get to tackle AT&T at lunch, because they have overcharged this month's bill for about $50.  Sheesh I am tired of this crap!


          Okay, thanks for letting me vent.  2.1 miles this morning in 35 degrees, followed by about 10 minutes of core.


          Oh, and here is a picture of DD's new nails.  This guy she goes to paints them by hand - super talented!


          May be an image of text that says 'Crop'

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Holly - wait until you start dealing with AI debt collection


            BTY - happy more October good news too.

            Dave - neat Gaylord Link but I'll have to check back when it gets light and there's some skiers on the slopes. My knee is definitely good enough to take advantage of the octogenarian free skiing at the local areas this winter but, even though I rarely, if ever fell down, when I did, they were doozies so I'm following the doctor's orders to a T to go outdoors as much as you want but don't do anything stupid that would risk buckling your knee or banging it up.

            ps - I can't recall having had a teacher, or friends, who ever brought up Kurt Vonnegut so appreciate all I learned looking up about him too from your signature line. Thanks.

            pps - good luck on your 79 day countdown. Like so many things I've been wrong about, based on the fun I had Fortran programming when it came out at the end of my college days, I always thought programmers were so lucky to have such a stress free career.  Whoops. 


            RCG - belated Lent?

            Hurry back.


            I had a voila! moment yesterday when, on the way back from Dr. Torture's electrotherapy I was wishing, instead of the light-weight fabric town loafers I had on, I'd've worn my Merrell slip-ons with the Vibram soles that would have been just right for continuing on past the sr. residence and over to the sometimes slippery paths in the hillside park I've been designing loop-de-loops on when,  voila !, I realized that it would be a perfect excuse for a full perimeter loop on the two sides of the triangular shaped park that, though I'd been using each for the descending portions of the East and West Loops I'd figured out, with the siren call of the trails of love inside, I would never dream of doing the outer ring pavements on their own so now have a new 2.5 mile outer loop when I want for a little more variety.


            However, after a morning Safeway circuit to check out the correct kind of apple juice DW had wanted on my way back from the hillside yesterday, some knee-bending bicycle time is on the agenda for today,

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              Holly- what a total PITA.  Those nails are insane- beautiful, but how does she even function?

              Tet- you are really back out there!  Good job.

              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                Hi Dee Ho, Friends - I'm back after a few days' break from the computer over the 3-day weekend, and then yesterday it was just Go, Go, Go from the moment I got to work.


                It looks like everyone is still percolating along.  I had to look up DEI.  I'll stay away from that, thank you very much.


                Those nails look dangerous.  I would surely draw blood on myself.


                We've had rain, rain, rain, and more rain here.  The Hub spent much of yesterday pumping water from under the house.


                I managed to finish Saturday's run in the Arcata Community Forest just as it was really starting to come down and it pretty much rained the rest of the weekend.  Monday was 45 min of core/ST/balance work, yesterday was a good predawn run in rain (sorry, 2Kitty), and this morning was another 40 min of core/ST/balance work.  I'll get in 30 min of stationary biking when I get home.


                I've been doing elevated bridge work and foam rolling after all my workouts, and that seems to be helping my hamstrings.  The bike ride tonight will tell if my bursa is still an issue.


                The Hub is managing his nicotine withdrawals, but he's been cranky.  Last night was the first time he's mentioned withdrawal symptoms.  Said he felt like his eyes were wanting to fall out of his  head and that it felt like something was crawling around in his brain.  I asked him if he wanted to try nicotine gum or patches - nope.  He's just going to soldier through it.   I don't envy him.


                So that's that all the news to report on this front.  I'm still buried at work, so I best get to it.  Enjoy ~~

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance



                  Morning Masters.


                  First off I am glad I am not dealing with Jay's temps or Dave nice picture. I'm tired of being cold.


                  Nice workout Jay. Agree on the DEI discussions. In person topic for certain.


                  Enjoy Lent RCG. I have my plan and so far it's working.


                  Dang Holly. That stinks. Hope it works out. Nice nails. Lilo and Stich is one of family favorites.


                  Good luck with that cyst Karen. I had one on the top of my wrist many years back and had to have it repeatedly asparated. PITA


                  Nice adjustment on the route tet. Improvise adapt overcome.


                  Good luck digging out from that work pile Leslie.


                  Strength workout this morning and a run with the club this evening.


                  Speaking of - back at it for me.

                  "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                  "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                    checking in


                    still got the knee-popping thing

                    and I am actually LOOKING FORWARD to going inside to use the gym again



                    hitting soccerfields yet again today




                    just heard back from Claire today,


                    as I had

                    mentioned here

                    I have only one SuperPower>>>>I can make Sick People laugh


                    she sent me this

                    for my Running Buddy whose wife died Christmas  from Brain Cancer after a 2-year struggle




                    if you know anybody who's Hurting


                    it's amazing

                    what a relief it is for them to have even a MOMENT'S Distraction with some DumAss Text a friend sends them





                    Sermon over,


                    we now return you to your Regularly Scheduled Running Forum

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      that's where the Irn Bru Commercials came from

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Holly- what a total PITA.  Those nails are insane- beautiful, but how does she even function?


                        Oh, and I forgot to mention that I spent my lunch yesterday at the bank, fighting with them about a supposed late-payment n my car loan that they had incorrectly applied to the principal, rather than the regular monthly payment it was supposed to be AND they charged me a late fee twice.


                        I'm telling you, you just can't get good help these days.


                        I agree about the nails.  I would not be able to get my contacts out with those.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          Thanks, Jay. You wouldn't enjoy teaching online.   We've found that--in properly set-up discussion forums--students tend to be more candid online than they'd be in a classroom and later report finding the discussions more interesting and thought-provoking because they can go back and re-read what people said and organize their thoughts before "speaking." And I've mentioned before the requirement to "cite" via links to offer more info or evidence. So lots of advantages for learning.

                          Dave--nice pic. I miss real winters....but I know I'm romanticizing too, as my siblings up north always remind me..

                          Holly--ugh. Hope you get it all sorted out.

                          TW--Excellent super power.


                          Chilly this morning but gorgeous for a lunchtime ride. Just under 22 miles. Felt like Spring is in the air. Even the grass is greening up.

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            Holly; red tape is an awful maze. Best of luck with that, you'll eventually be vindicated but at the expense of your time.

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                              I found out last night that for the 2nd time in my trail running career my preferred shoe has been discontinued.  Grrrrr!  First it was the Brooks I ran in for years, and now the Asics Gel Kahana.  I knew I shoulda bought more pairs when they were on sale a couple of years ago.  I'm down to one new pair and am desperately looking for a trail shoe with good grip, 10mm heel to toe drop, and not necessarily a wide toe box, but a roomie enough toe box.  Believe it or not, this is hard to find.  It took a ton of looking and trial and error to the find the Asics last time.


                              I may be spending some time at shoe stores in the Portland area next month . . .

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance


                                Well, the doc didn't drain the cyst on my little finger.   It's some other kind of cyst (not that different from ganglion) but it starts with fluid from the joint so there is a pretty high risk of infection if he drained it, and it would probably come back. I can live with it, try a prescription cream (I'm going to do that) or have it removed by out patient surgery. I'm going to hold off on that- involves stitches etc and I can live with it for now. Oh joy.

                                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth

