Masters Running


Cinco de Mayo, 5.5.22 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    After reading through most of yesterday's posts, I'm reminded that Covid and our understanding of it are both seemingly changing almost daily.


    Excellent work, Mike!


    I walked an EZ 5K for Cinco de Mayo this morning. I know you all are jealous that I get to have my surgery this morning, and you won't be able to share in the fun. But try to contain yourselves, and make the best of your day anyway.


    Have a greta Thursday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Thinking of you today, Jay, and hope it all goes well.

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        I will cringe this morning in support of your surgery Jay.


        I had an excellent 4.2 mile run this morning. After feeling tired the last 3-4 days the energy this morning seemed to come out of nowhere. It's a mystery, but I will take it.


        Oh well, back to work.




          Good luck today Jay, we're all pulling for you.


          I got so caught up in the covid/antibody info yesterday I didn't post.  I enjoyed all the information.


          Yesterday's PT approved workout was run 8 minutes, walk 4 minutes twice.  I stretched a 24 minute workout to 40 with a nice long chat at the halfway point with some friends out walking.    For the first 3 minutes I was in increasing pain.  Thought about calling it off.  Then next few minutes the pain did not increase so I kept going.  After my chat I ran completely pain free all the way back home.  I wish I understood why this happens.


          I didn't do a run-specific warm up but I had just finished an hour of lawn mowing so I figured I was good to go.  My next PT approved run finally lets me try an uninterrupted mile.  I'm so looking forward to that milestone.  And I will do the run specific warm up exercises because I feel might be what went wrong yesterday.


          Trails are hard!

            Me three (4 i guess, since i typed slow), Jay.  Good luck and smooth sailing.


            Tomorrow I can test to see if I can come out of hiding.  Have not felt anything out of normal so far, so fingers crossed.


            Thanks for further info, RCG and others.  Been curious, just not enough to do any looking on my own.

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



              Good luck Jay! Praying that everything goes well today.


              5.72 miles this morning, a pleasant 38 degrees and no wind.


              Enjoy your tacos everyone!

                4.4 miles.  Still not feeling great- maybe some booster lingering stuff.  Got it done.  Off to a church meeting.  Catch y'all later.  Have a greta Thursday.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                  Smooth sailing, Jay! My hernia patch is holding up perfectly after about 15 years...think of it as a mini caesarean 


                  Going for a run in little bit. Just had to share this inspiring battle to the finish line video from a trail marathon:




                    Jay - good luck and happy your streak continues.


                    my real life is rearing its head after over a 3 week hiatus.  Yesterday I spent 1 hour at food pantry and this afternoon walking with my 3 walking friends first time all together in over a month because of holidays, Covid, and Henry!


                    have a greta day - spring has sprung today


                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      Jay - thanks and happy CdM, 721, mesh, little Friday, etc. Even if you don't have any zoom or other meetings, hosting friends, etc. afterwards, you still do more in one day than most of us in a week, if ever.

                      . . . fun . . ..

                      For sure, especially if your surgeon and support staff are as informative, communicative, friendly and respectful as mine were for my meshes instead of the more than a dozen I've encountered and dropped in the last few years for eyes, teeth, foot, etc. for treating me as if I were but a piece of meat on their chopping block to get done with and move on to the next patie, . . . victim.


                      Unlike Japan where aging is synonymous with respect, e.g. respect for the elderly day in September, it's a sad commentary that the most respect we seem to get nowadays is from our beloved PCP.


                      After being misdiagnosed by my then PCP and ending up with emergency surgery six months later when DW casually asked her (now mine too) about my continuing discomfort, I still thank them every time I lift up a pail of water, or most anything.

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        Murray - neat last two mile finale for a USA team placement, especially the long, sometimes rocky, downhill I would have loved and #2 passing #1 on the ensuing climb.


                        ps - after waking up at j-o'clock darkness, instead of going back to sleep as usual, reading Jay's opening inspired a likely last headlamp circuit for a while of the hillside trails and stairs. 47F in a light drizzle.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                          fwiw; At the theater company we're having an outbreak among the talent. Several have tested positive, including a couple principles. 1-2 additional kids have some symptoms of sore throat or cough, but are testing negative. The protocol is 5 days quarantine, and re-test negative before returning. Rehearsals are of course hodge-podge, just working with the uninfected. Of course the quarantined can practice their singing and lines on their own, and we do have virtual rehearsal if it works. The positive results just came out in the last few days, so I suspect we'll see more people showing up with it. And this is with our company being a 100% vaccinated operation.


                          This sharp uptick in cases in our area happening a week or so after "mask mandates" here were lifted, and people being on the honor-system regarding masking if not fully vaccinated to enter stores, restaurants, and other venues is probably JUST A COINCIDENCE It should be noted that vaccination is not 100% guaranty you cannot contract and spread the virus.


                          I don't work directly with anyone, so there's not much chance I've been exposed at the theater, but I still need to go to stores for building materials and food. I still mask-up when I'm around people, and wash my hands and all that good stuff. Remember, the mask is most effective if it's on an INFECTED person, to limit shedding of the virus to other people, and is less effective as a way to keep virus OUT. So, a bunch of maskless people in an enclosed space regardless of vaccination status is still not a good idea. Don't forget to bring all 7 kids into the store and let them run around touching everything! It would be too inconvenient for the teenager to watch them in the car or at home for the 15 minutes you're in the store!

                          60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                            so, Jay, did they agree to fill your IV with tequila???  Hope all goes well.


                            Murray - Thanks for the video - very exciting!  I often think about the camera people and what incredible runners they are in their own right to be able to keep up with those folks, regardless of how fresh their legs are.  . . . boy, I sure do miss trail running . . .


                            Tammy - Hope everything goes well at the doc appt.


                            dnaff - Great news about your run.  Here's a pain-free whole freaking mile! 


                            Reading through all the posts about CV just reminds me of how dang intelligent so many of you are.  Thanks for sharing your brain power.  It's much appreciated.


                            I got nuthin' for today, so far, but will probably guilt myself into working out when I get home. It's raining (YAY!  IT'S RAINING!!!!!), and it's supposed to pretty much through next week (YAY!!!!!), so The Hub is grousing about not being able to work. However, he's brining chicken today in pickle juice - a suggestion I saw somewhere - and I'm looking forward to seeing how it comes out.


                            I talked with Karen last night and she thinks at the most Kate has 2 weeks left. I'm trying to absorb this.  And as hard as it is for me, quadruple that for the family. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.


                            It's Thursday ~ Enjoy ~~

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                              Hope it all goes smoothly, Jay.  It'll be a good thing done when it's over.



                              FWIW, some common-sense mask advice these days...

                              Also, I see the COVID toll has reached 1,000,000 deaths in the US by some counts. And the global count is staggering.


                              Anyone watching playoff hockey besides Starr?  Some intense fun already. My Caps looked very good in the first game...and may well get swept now, as Florida adjusts.


                              23+ miles on the bike this morning on another beautiful, sunny day.

                              Be safe. Be kind.


                                Jay, you kinda take Cinco de Mayo celebration to a different level.  Hope all goes well today. 

                                Leslie - even though we knew this day was coming, once you have a timeline a bit more concrete and immediate, it still hits hard.  I'm so sorry.


                                Rain, rain and more rain. We need it and hopefully this means our risk of wildfires is lessened, but I can't recall such a wet/chilly start to our spring and especially not in May.   Will get in a run after work today. I should probably suck it up and run in the rain even if it's still raining then, because Saturday's trail race will likely be in the rain.

