Masters Running


Cinco de Mayo, 5.5.22 (Read 38 times)


Rose Colored Glasses

    Thanks, Tramps.

    Oh. And:

    Chickahominy Riverfront Park features over 120 campsites, including campsites that accommodate large groups. Several campsites have scenic views of the Chickahominy River and Gordon Creek and some campsites have access to water. Campsites include everything from basic tent sites to full hookup sites for RV’s. There are no cabins available. Campers have access to 2 bathhouses with a slop sink at each bathhouse. There is a limit of 6 people (up to 4 adults) per site and no more than 2 tents. Campsites may be reserved 12 months in advance and on a monthly basis. Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends require a 3-night minimum campsite rental (Friday-Sunday).


      Of course, I would like to see the Bruins win. But, as Tramps noted, the’re old and inconsistent. So, I will cheer on my first love, the Toronto Maple Leafs. I saw them play the very first All Star game in 1946 after they won the cup (before most everyone on here was born).


      Beautiful sunny day in the mid 60’s. Marj took me for my longest post surgery walk-1.6 miles with some rest stops. I start outpatient PT on Monday.

        I hope Jay's procedure went well and that he's resting comfortably as I type this.


        I've been looking at the various billings for my surgery in March and I wish someone would explain how all that works. I'm covered under Medicare, so the providers have to honor the negotiated rate, but the differences are very inconsistent. My surgeon charged around $1200 and was paid $700; that almost seems too low, but apparently standard. But then the anesthesiologist charged a whopping $2550 and was paid $97! What's up with that? And the nurse anesthetist charged and received just about the same. Screwy...


        I got out on the new bike this afternoon for a good 18-mile ride and got just about as good a workout as if I'd been on one of my non-electric bikes. In fact, I'm liking this bike so much that I'll probably part with my old hybrid later this year. There's not much difference between the two other than the e-bike stuff, and I could do with one less thing to maintain.

        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


        Rose Colored Glasses

          Nice biking Doug!

          Thanks for your insight yesterday.


            the trail race I was going to run on Saturday was just cancelled. 
            kinda disappointed because I think I could have had a decent finish time in this one since I'm in 50k shape right now.

            but then not too disappointed because it was going to be a wet sloppy mess out there!


              Karen, Murray, Denise thank you for the kind words and welcoming me back, they are much appreciated, it's been a rough 2 months...

              Tammy, I'm glad you and your husband have options at this point. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer 4 years ago, the non agressive type and he is now 95 years old and going strong even though he decided not to get treated.  We are told he will most likely die of old age.

              Tramps, I have FINALLY gotten wise in my old age. I am presently running 4 milers every second day and riding the road bike 20 miles every other day unless GD#1 invites me to swim laps with her at the pool. I have rounded out my exercise and though I will increase my running distances I may stay at running every other day. And I now work core and weights like a madman, lol. Some people...



                Jay, hoping the surgery went well and your DW is taking good care of you!  Do you have to break your streak, or are you allowed to walk tomorrow?


                Tammy, bummer about the race being cancelled.  The weather sounds wet, but still a bummer.  It was so nice the year Leslie and I went!


                Henrun, glad to hear you're walking and doing PT!


                Welcome back, Sub7.  Glad you're gaining some wisdom in your old age!  I learned a while ago not to attempt speedwork any more.  I always hurt something.  I just learned to enjoy running slowly.


                I got out for 10 miles on a beautiful afternoon, 45 degrees and sunny.

                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                  4 ez miles


                  Got a NEG result on my self-inflicted CV19 test this afternoon, thought I better check before visiting my Mom and running in a race this weekend. Like I said, I haven't been around anyone at the theater, but now we're up to 8 cast members and 1 staff testing positive (no one with any major symptoms).


                  Sorry about your friend, Leslie.

                  Get well soon Jay!

                  60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Hello everybody!


                    I, too, am very sorry to hear about Kate, Leslie.


                    Debbie's sister's mom was found dead in her house, a couple days, ago.  She was Debbie's dad's 4th wife and they were together when Debbie and I got married but were divorced a couple years later so, I guess she was my ex-mother in-law.  She was a year younger than Debbie and, of course, Debbie thought that was kind of creepy.  Debbie's sister is about the same age as our older kids and she spent a lot of time with us as she was growing up.  She wants to use our church for the service but she doesn't know our pastor at all so she asked me to do it.  Even though I really didn't know the woman, I couldn't say no.  We're wondering, though, if I will even be allowed to do it... so I'm not going to start working on anything, just yet.  It's not until June 4th, so I have some time to prepare.


                    You guys have all been talking about getting the shingles shot.  I have meant to get it for a couple years, now, but it just wasn't a priority.  Well, a guy at work got it in his eye, and was out all of last week.  He snuck in one morning to get some paperwork and I saw him in the parking lot.  His eye was almost swollen shut and he had blisters all over the left side of his face. He looked like a monster!  I got my first shot, today, after work.  Man, that sucker hurt.  I don't think I've ever had a shot that hurt like that.  But, if it keeps me from looking like that, it was well worth it.


                    After the shot, I came home and ran an easy 7 miles... another perfect weather day.


                    Okay--that's all I got.  See ya!


                    Oh, hey--Surly--will your meet be televised?  I would love to watch it.

                      I have been MIA for a while, but keep up in here a little bit.  I know Jay was anxious to get this surgery over with and hope all is well. I too wonder if the streak will continue.


                      Doug, we are in the market for e-bikes but have only looked at Pedago so far. There are miles and miles of trails that connect where we are going up north so it would be fun to have them. We’ll take our bikes, not the road bikes, for now and see how that goes. I hope to do some running on the trail right out of the RV park that ends at Zorba’s, a pizza place.


                      Leslie, I am so sorry for you and Kate’s family. This is so incredibly hard to go through.


                      Henry – I am so glad that your recovery is going so well. Good thing Marj is pushing you.


                      RCG – I wish our weather was kayak friendly, maybe next week. We really enjoy watching the purple martins right outside the porch and have 8 wood duck houses to keep tabs on. I’d love to see them pop out of the nest this year! Other sightings on the lake are an occasional eagle, pelicans, a few loons passing through, a whole flock of seagulls, coot (of course), Mallards, and a duck called a “Northern Shoveler” – I had to look that one up. There is a nasty hawk around sometimes too.


                      Mike - so sorry about your ex-MIL's death.  I'm sure you'll do a good job with the service.


                      In December I found out that I have labral tears in both hips in addition to the bursitis I’ve had. The tears are very small and he didn’t forbid me from running, but I’ve been walking and taking it easy. The first set of injections helped the bursitis but the second time it made it a lot worse. I am pain free now except when I got on the motorcycle (trike). I have been walking when the weather is nice, 2 ½ miles around the Olson Park trail.  If I see someone I know I always turn around and walk and talk until they depart.


                      Since last summer I had been decreasing my psych meds with my doctor’s support.  Well, over Christmas I ended up in the hospital for four days in a manic state.  Apparently I still need to take those two little pills every day. The new medicine that they started me on made me gain 10 pounds in one month! I called my PCP and told him I was going back to the ones I took before. That made a world of difference and I feel so much better. A month ago I saw a new CNP in the psych clinic and she will work on getting a plan for me. Thanks to health plan I started in February I lost 24 pounds and plan to keep it off. I talk to my coach once a week so she keeps me on track.


                      No running or walking for me today, I donated a pint of blood and laid low.  See you all tomorrow.

                      “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich

                        Glad to hear from you, Starr, and I’m glad you are back on track with your meds.  I know it is really tricky.


                        Mike- yes, that is a VERY painful shot.  My pharmacist said it is the most painful one.  Be prepared to feel bad for a day or tow.  some people don’t, but a lot do.

                        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                          Starr - Thanks for coming back in and letting us know what's going on with you.  I'm sorry you had to go through a manic state, but I'm glad you have doctors who work with you to get you healthy again - mentally and physically.  Interesting about the labral tears and bursitis.  Gosh darn, these bodies of ours.  They can certainly be annoyingly complex!


                          Sub - If you don't mind me asking, what kind of injury did you have?  Given that it seems all I do is get injured, I'm always curious about other people's injuries.  Sadistic, I know.  Regardless, I'm glad you've found your way back to running and us.


                          Mike - Good for you on getting your shingles shot!  As Karen said, you may feel crappy for a day or so, but it's worth it.  Take Tylenol.  It helps.


                          I got my MRI report back.  No tears note anywhere, mild PF, and then there's some other stuff in the report that I don't understand.  I have an 8:00 a.m. appt tomorrow, so I'll be asking for clarification.  So far, I've had 2 people (non-runners) tell me cortisone didn't help their PF, but inserts did.  Again, I need to have a heart-to-heart with my doc to see if the shot is the way to go.  I really don't want to deal with inserts for various reasons, but at this point, if it gets me back running again, so be it.


                          The Hub's been letting the boys outside for an hour or so in the afternoons after he gets home from work.  Well, today he was off all day because it rained.  This afternoon when it stopped, he opened the slider and let them come and go as they pleased and it went well.  I've been told they've gotten up on the fence, but so far haven't tried to jump over.  It's just a matter of time.  Guess this means I need to activate the chips they came with.  Wonder how much that'll cost . . . 


                          Nite ~~ 

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                            Doug - how much does your new e-bike weigh? I forgot but can you freewheel down steep hills (with nice long run-outs and no blind corners) at 30-40 mph like I like akin to skiing or does the gearing keep you down to 20mph or so?


                            Mike - that's nice you can arrange a nice service, I guess, they wouldn't otherwise have. Kind of surprised by your shingles shot reaction. Was the COVID kind of miserable too, or flus.


                            Starr - welcome back. Happy walking with our expanding cadre of slow steppers. She had to go to the Mayo up near where you are but, based on my sister's experience finally getting her meds gotten right, and then adjusting as needed, reborn her back to normal, and to us.


                            RCG - I don't have any desire to go anywhere but, if I did, it'd be the campground you mentioned. Wish they had the bathroom facilities for all the enclaves around here too  though.


                            Sub7 - don't tell Jay but did you ever experience any sight swelling and very minor soreness after heavy exercise, lifting, etc. down by the meshes that my doctor explained comes with the territory of adding in something foreign and to check back if it became a bother, which it hasn't.

                            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                              • Dave59 - Yay for a mysterious 4.2.  Thankfully you have found a team you only dislike.


                              Dnaff - You had a mystery too!!  Wow.


                              Stumpy - Duck and cover for a few more days.  The world is silly.


                              KSA - I thought retirement meant fewer meetings.


                              Murray - Thank you for the link.


                              Mrrun!! Good to see ya.


                              Surly Bill - I've lost faith in the honor system.



                              However, he's brining chicken today in pickle juice - a suggestion I saw somewhere - and I'm looking forward to seeing how it comes out.


                              Well that is just interesting.


                              Though I've not interacted with Kate ever she and her family have been in my thoughts.


                              Shout out to Tom White.  Happy lurking.




                              (((((Tammy Family)))))  Sorry the race was canceled.


                              Rochrunner -  There is a lot that goes into medical billing.  I wish there was as much going into understanding the bills once they drop on our laps.


                              MikeE - That's a lot of heavy stuff.


                              Starr - It so so good to see you.  I'm sorry to hear about your challenges.


                              I got 5.1 in.  Planted 11 Norwegian Spruce after work.

