Masters Running


Wednesday May 28 Daily - Luck of the Irish to All (Read 462 times)

    My last full day in Ireland! The DW left this morning. I figured this was my last chance to start the daily for a long time so I had better get out and run so I could, err can, err am, oh whatever. Anyway happy Wednesday to everybody and may the luck of the Irish be with all our Masters here at RA! WRFB - 8 miles is a pretty tough "recovery" run. Good to see you are doing so well that it works for you. perchcreek - nice tempo run. bill - what is McSolar up to? I have not seen him post in a long time. Is he over at KR? Sarge - let me add my condolences to those you have already received. Peter NC - nice long run with hills. CNYrunner - passing through New Haven and not a thought of stopping through to see me!? Sniff, sniff . . . Ok so I am currently several thousands of miles from there but if you pass through again . . . SueT48 - sounds like you had a great weekend all around. Very nice. hallar - good luck on the BQ quest. FWIW it took me four marathons to hit the magic number. pdr - what you are doing for your dad is just wonderful. I am sure he is just ecstatic to have such a devoted family. Teresadfp - 72 is HOT!? Heck that is my kind of running weather! BCMorant - nice speedwork tselbs - good pace on the 7 miler Tramps - good luck with the fall marathon training Tallrunner - nice picture! enkephalin - I love cats! I wish I could get my DW to let me have one again. Enjoy your furry little ball of mischief wildchild - good luck with landing the job offer Yesterday it rained in the morning so my plan to do 6 am miles and 4 pm miles was shot. Instead I did a 5 mile temp run in the afternoon. I managed a 7:15 pace. Not great but not awful either. Today I had planned to do 10 miles with some 600 meter intervals at 5K pace during the run. Well, I got lost and the total run ended up being over 11 miles and I did not get to the park I had planned to run the intervals in until about mile 8 or so. What is up with the lack of street signs in Europe? Is there some shortage of street sign material out here? Back, to the story. My goal was to get each in at under a 6:30/mile pace. My Garmin says I did it so I am pretty happy about that. Hopefully I will make it to the Iron Horse HM this coming Sunday and test out the system in my first race since the end of March. Good runs all. Enjoy the day.

    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

      Hi, Twocat, thanks for starting. I misspoke - my recovery run was really just recovery paced. Good luck on your half. Sarge - sorry about the loss of your friend. Tall - I don't care what the rib guy says about Bob Plumb -- you were leaning forward. Smile Trampsolepal! Good to see you again. I thought maybe you disappeared because you were having some kind of internet problem Wink Today's easy paced run was easier than yesterday's recovery paced run, looking at my HR. Yesterday's AHR was 148 and today's 143, and I ran 0:30/mi faster today. Hmm. It was 10F warmer yesterday. I guess maybe that's what we have to look forward to. Workout: 4.1 miles, 8:30/mi, AHR 143 Overall: 5.1 miles, 43:08 Have a great day!

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        My last full day in Ireland!
        "Save our places at the pub and when the eyes are dry again, we'll come back another day for seven nights in Ireland" Twocat...Here's to a welcome back to the States.
        Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Have a safe trip home TwoCat!! Out for another 4 miles with Brinkley today. Best guess is 9:20 avg. pace as I didn't quite turn on my watch when we started out. You'd think the 28 degree temps would have woke me up more than that. Brrrrrr. Headband, gloves and jacket again. One wabbit fartlek during the last mile. Happy Hump day already!! ~Mary As I was driving to work this morning I started thinking . . . did I type 28 degrees? Yes, I did so I'm editing my post to the proper and balmy 38 degrees that it actually was.


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


            Twocat......Thanks for the start of our day. I hope you have a nice end to your European trip. Lou.......another solid run for you this morning. You certainly are consistent with your runs and an inspiration to me for that very fact. Sarge.......again, sorry for the loss of your friend. Mariposia......Yes, I did pull the shoe into bed with me, just because it was the only way I could get relief from waking up to try and find it. So this let me sleep. PDR.......((((hugs))))......That is rough about your Dad for you and the whole family. I trust the reunion plans do work out for him to be involved. Enjoy each day. Aamos.......maybe the neckless dream was about our Bosox "choking" against Oakland for three games. Ha. Enke.......My psyche is transparent? Is THAT what that says? I thought it was just an indication that I am very simple to figure out. You mentioned being in Vancouver complete with Stanley Park. That is certainly a beautiful city. I usually stayed in a hotel out in the Richmond area by the airport, but certainly did a lot of exploration of the area on each trip. Thanks for bringing back that memory. Tramps......It is good to see you posting again. I trust you are able to get into a workable training plan. We have a couple of runners who have made thousand mile levels that I want to acknowledge. KSrunner ..............2,000 (lifetime) and 1000 (year) Rururunner............1,000 (lifetime) Again, I am tracing those who have kept their mileage on RA training log and is accessible for me to see. Have a super day everyone.......This is a short week and we are moving right along to another month's end.
              Yes, TwoCat. When McSolar posts he posts on KR. But he's been a bit scarce there too as he has some other things on his mind right now. 8 miles GA this morning. This was a good run, but aggravating too thinking back to Eugene. This morning I ran miles 5, 6, and 7 at MP - miles 3, 4, and 8 at near-MP - and my HR stayed in the 140's throughout. Even in summertime H&H. I guess the real key for me is I need to warmup slow and ease into MP - rather than blast right out there at MP the 1st mile. Screws up the HR pattern. That's my story and I'm sticking with it. Cool Bill

              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Marathon Maniac #3309

                Morning all Smile Kinda in a hurry this morning to get my guys payroll done by 8:00 a quick post about my late night run last night. 11 MP tempo miles and set the cruise control on 8:00 pace and nailed it - 1:28:01 and was one of the easiest - steady runs I have had in awhile,... effortless, and in the pouring rain. Will check back in later and check up on everyone. Have a good day and runs everyone Smile Tim

                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Breeger.. you are right on about building the HR slowly. Before any fast runs I always run Tory for a couple miles and he keeps the pace slower. After I let him in the house and take off for the fast stuff, it feels like freedom and it's much easier to pick up the speed. 14 miles of hills in 2:00:55 (8:38 pace). It was a suffocating 70F, 92% humidity at 4 am but the run still felt sproinky. Drank 6 oz water every 3 miles. Could wring my socks out after..yuk. Sneak peak of summer here in NC.

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                    Good morning Boomers. Like Mary, it's cold here! Had to cover up all the flowers I planted over the weekend to keep them from frosbite. 34F at 4:30 when I hit the road but the wind has finally died down and it looks to be a beautiful day. 6.5 miles in 54:10 this morning. I run in a residential area, and a dead deer on one of the main roads under a highway overpass scared the sh-- out of me this morning! I called the police department to let them know it was there so it's gone before the youngsters head out to school. Don't need to traumatize them before their day even starts... Enjoy your Wednesday runs, everyone. Jeanne
                      Greetings from NYC, I had a nice medium long run this morning in Central Park. I ran solo and “with” hundreds of people as there were many runners and cyclists out as always. I am staying in mid-town Manhattan, so it was an easy trot to the park and then I ran around for almost 90 minutes. Total run of 1:38 and I am calling it 10 miles. I loved hearing the snippets of conversation and watching the lycra zip by on bikes. It was 53F when I went out at 6:00 AM and cooler and less humid thanks to showers last night. Perfect City morning. What a difference a cold front makes…I emerged from the subway yesterday and thought it was August or something. I had dinner last night with a colleague who is based here and tonight I’ll see a cousin who lives in Brooklyn. The nice part of being here for work is the friends and family all around. PDR---I am thinking of you and your father and your family. It sounds like you are making all the right decisions and yet that doesn’t mean it’s easy. I too hope your father will make it for the reunion and that sail. Prayers to your brother too Vista. I am glad he is feeling more hopeful after hearing about similar situations. Twocat—I knew you were in Ireland and not in New Haven when I zoomed in yesterday---barely made the train, but did find parking at Union Station. Next time! Have to scoot and put my face on (no pillow creases to iron) and get into execu-drag. CNYrunner

                      Hill Runner

                        Good morning everyone, It's good to see Tramps back, now where is Dark Horse? 6.04 miles of hills @ 8:56 pace this morning trying to keep those annoying "May Flies" off my face this morning...getting H&H here again. Good runs to all today.

                        Upcoming Races:

                        Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                        Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                        Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          PDR said:
                          We had planned to take him on a family reunion in October at a fabulous resort on the Chesapeake Bay. I've hired a private nurse for dad, and this was to be one last big adventure for him. We even chartered a sailboat to take him sailing. He was an avid sailor when he was younger. For his 91st birthday next week, I bought him a yachting cap that says "captain", and a pair of Sperry topsider deck shoes.
                          Harriet, you are a wonderful daughter. It’s beautiful that your own daughters can see the example you’re setting. Sarge – sorry to hear about your friend, such a waste. Twocat – safe travels home today. Mixing it up workout today. 4.6 easy-paced miles outside, followed by this on the treadmill: (5 minute slow-to-fast segments) x 3 (1 min 7:30/1 min 9:40) x 6 2 miles @ MP (8:41) plus CD makes 9 miles total. I love this kind of workout – it stays interesting and leaves me feeling energized. I’m going with DD’s kindergarten class on a field trip to a farm this morning. She’s ready to go in her cowboy boots and hat and overalls. Smile Wish I could find the box I packed my camera in... Sad

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Good morning, all! Twocat - hope your journey back to the States goes smoothly. Mary - thanks for the puppy pic! Amy - I enjoyed the ice cream and at Expo as well. When I grabbed a cup of Cherry Garcia after the race, my brain was not functioning too well. I guess I was staring at the cup wondering how I was going to eat it. A kind man stopped and explained that the "spoon" was under the label on the lid. Erika - you didn't miss my RR. I didn't feel like I raced it, so I didn't think it deserved a race report - just a blurb in the daily. PDR - hope your Dad is recovering. Jeanne and Mary - hard to believe you are having such low temps and it's almost June. I'm thinking warm thoughts for you. Jeanne - love the purple finches! Just abs and upper body weights for me today. Will wait until tomorrow to start running again. Can anyone recommend a good "yoga for runners" DVD? I don't think we're going to have enough participants to continue our Yoga class at work, and I'm already missing the practice. Good runs to all!

                            Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                            Renee the dog

                              3 mi in 27:54...hoping to get 3 more mi. in tonight with Renee. Have to run over to borough hall to find out what I am and am not allowed to do with a shed on our new property...'cause on the way to see my Mom today at the Rehabilitation Center, the kids and I will stop at two places and shed shop. I'm not sure that shed shopping is going to be enough to break up the boredom of a 4 hr round trip drive for a 4 and 1 yr old, but maybe they sell those playground things for kids and I'll be saved! Good runs to all!

                              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                                3.5 miles at an easy 9:05 pace. Much cooler today with a spit of rain too. Followed up with some extra stretching and some strength work. PDR—your post yesterday was moving. My thoughts are with you. My 83-year-old mother’s recently had some setbacks with her Alzheimer’s and other health issues (which is one reason I’ve been scarce around here); it’s tough to watch. Hang in there.

                                Be safe. Be kind.
