Masters Running


NEW YEAR'S DAY! Wake up and Run Daily ..... (Read 558 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo



    Race Day  .....   I am going for it!  Big grin


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."





      Race Day  .....   I am going for it!  Big grin


      You go girl! Hope your weather is warmer than it is here and there's no wind...


      I'm wimping out and waiting for the Y to open. Last long run before the Disney next week. 12 on the schedule. Pray for me people - 12 miles on a treadmill is beyond my comprehension


      Did everyone behave themselves last night? My DH cooked us each a nice lobster tail and we have a big garden salad and fresh asparagus. I then proceeded to end 2009 with about 3 big handfuls of peanut M&M's. But I'm good now and it's a new year.


      Have a great first day of twenty ten everyone!

        Have a Blast Mary!


        Jlynne, you're ready!  The treadmill is yours.


        I'm trying out my new slow cooker today.  I made up my own recipe for a Pork Roast.  Wish me luck!  I'd hate to ruin New Years Day dinner!


        Below are some pictures of my DS, his GF, and a nice one of DW.


        I intended 4.3 recovery miles, but they ended up being run at 9:23 pace.  This easy running I've been doing is bewildering sometimes.  I would have sworn I was running 10's.






        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          It is about 22 degrees with 16 degree wind chill - at home anyway.   Along lake Michigan - who knows?    The race doesn't start until 11 a.m.    What the heck - I paid, I might as well participate.   Maybe I can do okay in my new age group.  Smile


          Your dinner sounds great JLynne - especially the peanut M&M's.  Wink   Good luck on the TM, I'll be thinking of you .....


          Nice run this morning Bill.


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


            It's 32º here.  Warmest day of 2010!   Coldest too now that I think of it.    DW looks like she is going to sit out running in the New Year.  Last year we were in NYC on New Years Day having spent the night there at a friend's apartment.  We went running in Central Park together.  All I can say is that it was soooo cold that morning that 32º is downright balmy!  So I guess this is pretty warm if you look at it that way!


            hopeful4ever good luck with your race.


            evanflein here is a toast to a better 2010!  Maybe for both of us. 


            fatozzig I never even saw a Tim Tam in Australia.  The first I hear/read of them was your post.  What are they?


            TammyinGP congratulations on you Runner of the Year award!  Wow, I wish I could just come in second for runner of the day!  Yes, even when healthy I would be happy to get that!

            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


              Happy 2010 to each of you my RA family. May this year be "THE" running year for each one of you.


              I had a great evening last night. After placing the last phone call of 2009 to a few dear loved ones I sat down to chat with my son in Austria and then we headed to our friends hourse for dinner and our traditional "walk around the swimming pool" with sparklers in our hands to welcome the new year. It was fun to have my cousin and her DD with us. I will be sad to see them go back home to NJ tomorrow.


              I am waiting for my family in Paraguay to sign in in MSN messenger so we can chat, then off for a run to welcome the New Year and new Decade. We got several inches of new snow yesterday, I should be skiing, but since my visitors do not ski, I will not.



              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                Happy New Year!  It's always nice to get a fresh start.


                Byll--your son looks exactly like you!  Nice pics.

                Mari--nice tradition.

                Mary--have a great race!

                Jlynne--enjoy that treadmill run.


                Ran 10 miles, with 7 at MP-ish 7:46.  IRC 35F. 


                I signed up for the National Marathon yesterday before the rates went up today.  But in reality I'm playing it by ear and might still drop down to the 1/2 depending on how my training goes. 


                I got on the scale this morning (after dinner out last night with friends--third night in four days).  Ouch!  Feast at home planned for today, which I will enjoy but I'll get back on the wagon tomorrow.  No, really!


                Enjoy the day.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Happy New Year! New Decade!  New start on Life!


                  Nice run Tramps!


                  Good luck racers!


                  3 miles with the dogs then a bunch of strength work.  It was a warm 40, now for a week of frigid..

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                    Happy New Year and thanks for the enthusiastic cheer Mary. Going for it in 2010!

                    4.2 miles for me at 8 am----a new layer of snow made everything look beautiful and sound muffled----very few cars and good thing since I had to run down the middle of the road to get decent footing. Good run though.

                    The kiddo is at the Winter Classic in Boston, there's a Dr. Who marathon on BBC America and all the work and home activity calendars have been synched. Some good lounging ahead.

                    Great photos Bill and what a great looking family (and friend).

                    Fresh starts are great indeed

                    I Can Go The Distance

                      Happy New Year Masters Runners,


                      Good to see some other crazy people got runs in today along with me.


                      Hopeful: Hope you did well in your race!

                      Jlynne: Good luck on the dreadmill today. I can't do 12 at the track, I don't know how you can to that much on a treadmill! You should be good to go for your race next week. I know you will do great!


                      Bill: Great pictures. Your family wouldn't happen to be Gator fans would they! Good luck with the Pot Roast. I'm sure it will be great.


                      Twocat: Good run in some cold conditions.


                      Mari: Have a great day with your family-on and offline.


                      Tramps: Another great run in cold conditions. I know what you mean about the weight. I have gained 5 pounds since Christmas and I could really feel it this morning!


                      Perch: Hope your weather is not too bad this week.


                      I did my LR today so that I can not worry about what I eat over the weekend while watching football and the Twilight Zone Marathon. I did my usual 15 mi run to the Redondo Beach Pier in 2:33:54 (10:16/mi). I usually make it in 2:30 but as I said, I could feel the extra weight today. Monday it's back to the runners diet!


                      Have a great day everyone and a great twenty-ten!



                      "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano

                      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                        Bruce, I thought of you watching the Twilight Zone marathon.  I got hooked on the USA today marathon, and now I can't even think of the name of the show! 


                        Well, I didn't win any awards .... but I beat last years time by 3 minutes AND I looked good!  Smile    The day actually was quite beautiful.   The sun was shining inbetween snow squalls and the wind only affected us during a short section.   The worst part of this race is running on the snow of course, and the quarter mile hill during the 2nd mile.   I made it up half way before giving in to my heartrate and walked the rest of the way up.   Next year I hope to conquer the whole hill.    I was experiencing some pains in my lower right leg too which caused me to walk a couple of times.     Overall I finished the 6 miles in 1:01:40.     I'm still having some leg pains, so I will NOT be running tomorrow.   Too much the last few days I suppose.


                        Fashion report:   Black ear band, Hot Pink Detroit Marathon pull over, black Brooks pants and my Mizuno shoes wth hot pink accents.   Black and white stripped mittens over my black gloves.


                        Now I feel the need to go shopping.


                        Happy New Year!!


                        P.S.  Great photos Byll!!  Is DW's hair naturally curly?   It looks like it is.   Pretty!


                        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                          Yep Mary.  DW's hair is naturally Curly.



                          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong



                            Nice pictures, Bill! Good looking family! 

                            Nice racing, Mary!

                            Jeanne, how did the 12 miles on the dreadmill go?  I think I might have gotten through it with a bag of M&Ms to keep me sane...  and I like your new Baby Will avatar!

                            Twocat, why is your DW sitting out of running in the New Year? Is she on the DL?  When will you start running again?

                            Nice 15-miler, Bruce!  Excellent way to start the year.


                            I'm starting off the year with a rest day.  And I'm thinking that running every other day might keep my leg and foot pain to a bearable level but they won't actually get better unless I take a break.  I know that's the smart thing to do but sometimes I'm not so smart.  So I'll take it a day at a time, and not run till I can run fairly pain-free. Or until I can't stand not running.   On the plus side, I weighed myself at the rec center yesterday (we don't have a very accurate scale at home) and I haven't gained any weight over the holidays, so not running will be OK on that front. And I'll try to do more cross training too.


                            Happy New Year to you all!

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                              two posting in one day for me, this is a great start for the new year.


                              It was snowing when I left for my run, but 2 miles into it it started to rrain and the wind started to pick up. I ended up with 8 miles with 10x2 telephone poles (around 1') at 5k pace. I had in mind to do only 5 of these, but the wind and rain had me worried since I was getting wet and cold, so I decided to add a few more hurry up minutes in the mix.


                              Great picture BQByll. Your sweetheart is one gorgeous girl.


                              Carolyn, smart move there! It is better to take it easy now than be sorry later. Hey sistah, I found out that we do have a shower at my new work place. I thought of you when I found out about it.

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                                Bill, your son is composed of equal parts you and your wife.....could you ask him what it's like to have so much hair? It's been a while for me.

                                Did a local club's "Hangover Half" today...PR'd by over three minutes with a 1:30:34 (6:56 m/m). Didn't see that coming, but I'll take it!  Looks like there's hope I'll go sub-1:30 this year. Felt great most of the race, and wore some socks that I've been wanting to show off: black, over-the-ankle running socks with an argyle pattern on them. (my theory is that if you show up in something that nerdy, then you'd better run fast.)

                                ^^That's my fashion report.


                                Nap time now. Happy New Year to all of you.  Walt.
