Masters Running


Monday, March 28 Runs and Not-So-Runs (Read 479 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Enke – I hear you on the “ouch” ER co-pay (since I have a fresh one to pay myself), but you just can’t be sure with broken bones.  Both of my kids have broken a bone (DD a finger and DS a wrist), and neither of them seemed broken to me at the time – hardly any swelling or bruising, and good range of motion – but a follow-up x-ray found a hairline fracture in each, much to my surprise.


    Orange Mat – nice shirts!


    Erika – 5 plumber visits – ouch!


    {{{Leslie}}} - I hope it turns out to be very minor...


    No run for me today, 55-minutes of P90X Core Synergistics instead.


    Happy Monday!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

    New skirt in town

      6 easy miles on the treadmill this morning.  My plantar fasciitis is acting up a bit after yesterday's 18-miler, so  I'm rolling and icing and stretching and wearing my Strassburg sock at night, which my DH thinks is uber sexay!!


      I have a visit with the chiropractor tomorrow for some torture Graston technique.



      NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:


        Good morning good people. Holly - running is hard enough first thing in the morning. How do you ever get your body to do all of the excrutiaing things on those PX90 DVDs?


        Leslie - hope the foot is better and you don't need that visit to the doctor.


        Erika - you too with that cough and all the crap in your lungs.


        Robin - PF is the worst, isn't it?


        5 miles on the eliptical this morning, 20 minutes of weights and core work. The kids are back after a week of spring break. It's been so nice and quiet at school. Sad DH gets back late tonight after a long golfing/gambling weekend. Wait until he sees the boxes piled all over the house!


        It's 8° here and they took the snow out of the forecast. It's a great Monday!


        Marathon Iowa 2014

          Mornin Holly,


          Robin - nice to see you posting.  Sounds like you're ready for another Boston, even with the PF issues.


          As for me - lifty, spinny morning.  Took it easy after yesterday's long run, which was 3 hours and 40 minutes of toughing it out.  Wind in my face for both the out and back (or so it seemed).  Thought I went 26 miles, but upon USATF remeasure, only did 25.5.  So it goes down as 25 in the log.  Consumption on the run - one water bottle, one gu.  Consumption after the run - anything and everything in sight.


          At least I can start tapering now. 

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Only 25.5 PBJ .... you are such a slacker!!  Wink


            I hope the PF calms down for you Robin.


            JLynne - I love your avatar picture!  How sweet!!     Sounds like you are getting in lots of cross training with your box packing.


            Holly - do you ever have a complete rest day?    You are a machine just like Leslie.


            Rest day for me, and thankfully so.   It felt so good to stay in bed, guilt free, and when I saw the temp was 11° I was even more grateful that I didn't have to run out there.   It is almost April, right??


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



              We've been having very warm and dry conditions here the past several days.  The summer acclimation began this morning at 5:30AM with 4 recovery-paced miles in 75° temps.  At least the humidity won't kick in for another 2 months.  I'm really happy to be able to train again.


              PBJ is an animal.



              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Renee the dog

                As usual, a day late and a dollar short here...


                Congrats to Tramps & Mrs. Tramps!!!


                Got in 18 miles in 3:00:45 yesterday with just enough time to shower and then head out to church.  The kids and I got to cheer the Ocean Drive Marathoners/10 Milers from Mile 8 down to about Mile 4 (we were heading south to church while they were in the northbound lane).  We had so much fun honking and screaming out the windows continously -- got to one of the policemen at the end of our town and said, "I know we're breaking every noise ordinance in town..." and he said with a big smile, "You are doing GREAT!  I could hear you from 6 blocks back."  Big grin


                It was a ton of fun to light up so many racers (hundeds!--big deal for us here) while just driving my normal route. 


                Then, arrived at church to find one of our Masters runners had shattered his tibia this week in a household accident.  The doc tells him he'll never run again. Undecided  If you could think good thoughts for our friend here, it would be appreciated. 

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                Petco Run/Walk/Wag 5k

                  3.1 mi walk this morning with some downhill jogging. I should probably post in the rehab thread ya'll have... am nursing aggravated calf. It objected strenuously to move from flat to hilly neighborhood combined with switch to use of VFF's and more BF running. The calf had a faciotomy in 1986 and has lots of scar tissue. Located and used level ground and using my lite weight END OTG's and a pair of converted Croc's for the last two weeks seems to be working. This was first neighborhood outing of any kind in two weeks. Should be able to be more regular poster here after tax season ends and I return to retirement.

                  bob e v
                  2014 goals: keep on running! Is there anything more than that?

                  Complete the last 3 races in the Austin Distance Challenge, Rogue 30k, 3M Half, Austin Full

                  Break the 1000 mi barrier!

                  History: blessed heart attack 3/15/2008; c25k july 2008 first 5k 10/26/2008 on 62nd birthday.


                    Then, arrived at church to find one of our Masters runners had shattered his tibia this week in a household accident.  The doc tells him he'll never run again. Undecided  If you could think good thoughts for our friend here, it would be appreciated. 


                    I'm sorry to hear this. Sending good vibes...and the doctors are not always right.


                    No run this morning. Taking some extra recovery time from yesterdays run...although there is no soreness and I had a very fast bike ride to work this morning. The legs are feelin good. I might take that back when I hit the hill riding home tonight.


                    Here's to a great week !


                      Good morning! Still chilly around here and breezy. Lots of great runs this weekend!   25.5 for PBj!!  You must be strong. I think my legs would rebel at a long run that long.


                      I got out this morning and ran a steady 8; legs feeling ok, a little stiff after standing on a ski hill most of yesterday but not bad.  Given my schedule this week, I may have to do some speed tomorrow rather than Wednesday or Thursday. No more super long runs but the real tapering does nto start until next week.


                      Erika sorry about the plumbing woes and your cough. Sounds like you need a doctor visit; a few good drugs might speed that crud out of your lungs.


                      Monday Monday, again...


                        Welcome aboard the Master's world bobev. I see from your signature that you have had an heart attach and since then you have been running HM with great success.


                        Leslie, butterfly hugs to you sister!!!! Keep us posted. I sure hope is not a big deal. 

                        Rtravers, PF is awful, I had a very mild case when I was doing a lot of hills for Athens and it hurt! Wish you the best at Boston! One of these days I will make there for your party.

                        Erika, sorry to hear about your cold. Take care sister. Sorry about the plumbing woes. Any household bill hurts!

                        Avenger Dog, you always brighten up my day!


                        Isn't it great to have an AAmos visit? Please read her thread "SayHey" poste last night. That girl is into something big. What a way to give back to society! My deepest admiration to her and Dan.


                        I pushed my body to the limit this weekend, so I am taking the day off. It is gym night with DH, I may do some light weights.


                        Have a good Monday you all!

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Geesh what slackers... Karin only runs 24.7 and PBJ only 25.5.. why not 26.2 for us OCD types?  Big grin (jk)

                          Awesome training runs!!


                          Robin.. I agree PF is the worst... but keep doing the foot at 90° at night with the Straussburg sock.  That's the ticket!


                          3 Magical healing Miles with Tory and Sadie... brrr.. did it really sleet this morning?  I just mowed the grass Saturday?

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                             Take care of that and don't force yourself to over do it. Its the secondary infections that last for ever. We health minded people don't get the crud very often but when we do its like WTH?



                             Dang it! Hopefully just a minor bleep.


                            No run for me today either.

                            I didn't get to post yesterday but I had a miserable 12 miler. Quads were sore from the beginning and I never really losened up. My energy level was low and I felt sick to my stomach afterward Confused  Maybe I am just sick of winter running. Bring on the spring.

                            Another irratating thing was I had planned a 13 miler so before I went out I mapped it on Mapmy run so I had an idea of where to go. according to my watch when I got home it was 12.5 but the time was 1:57:00 whiched seemed fast for my effort. I went back on Mapmy Run and the same route came to 12.25 miles ? Oh well I took credit for 12.25 but am really dissapointed in not reaching 13. Maybe its unlucky 13 so next week I will do 14. Big grin



                            Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                              Lately, my motto at the gym has been, "That's better than nothing." 


                              I work out for a few minutes, recite my motto, and quit.  Today I actually stuck to it and got in a good work out.  3 miles on the treadmill too.


                              Just wanted to say "Hey" to AAmos.  It sounds like a great thing to do.



                                ...dave//.I've got the Same Motto


                                .......Welcome aboard bob, and Welcome Back Aamos





                                which, loosely translated, means OverDid It......


                                ....good running guys.....

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
