Masters Running


thursday july 31 runs and thoughts for spareribs (Read 545 times)

    Ribs and family in my thoughts during my trashy 5 miler today. Wishing them the best. 200 meters at the pool in the next hour.
      FYI, Rose is posting updates in the "Special Message to Ribs" thread over on KR.
      FYI, copied from Rose's post over there: "I just talked to The Saint and she let me know that the surgery began at 0845, central time. He is under anasthesia and the first cut is the deepest, baby I know, the first cut is the deepest, when it comes to be lucky... oh wait, when did Rod Stewart pop in? Okay, so Rusty Carver, I mean, Shaky Carver is working his scalpel and other tools to mend our friend. I am unsure whether they will do the by-pass part first or the valve replacement part first, The Saint didn't know either. I am curious about this. It is now 1019 Eastern time, and my blue kayak is calling me to paddle along the Cape Fear river... Continuing thoughts and prayers to Ribs, The Saint, and the healthcare workers tending to our friend."

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Freezing my butt of waiting for my shower. Anyway, did 12 moderately hilly miles this morning 6 am, 48F out (chilly, had to have two top layers, almost like fall!). Noticed that first 6 of out and back was 10:40 pace, second 6 was 10:30 pace. Not my intention but I'll take it. I forgot Ribs was getting the valve done at the same time. That is a total overhaul!

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

        I Can Go The Distance

          {{{{Ribs and Family}}}} Tramps & Holly: Whether it's Valli or Sinatra, I'm old enough to remember both. Cry Jlynne & DickyG I was in the Navy from 1968-1971 and served in San Diego and Subic Bay, the Philippines. Where were you stationed Dicky? The Navy has changed alot since those days as DickyG said. However, I was able to go to college through the GI bill and also had some surgery performed while in the Navy that would have cost my parents and I alot of money as a civilian. I went into the Navy right out of high school, so the best thing the Navy did for me was teach me how to be a man. Funny story: All of my uncles were in the Navy in WWII. My grandfather was in WWI, but he was a Marine. I followed my uncles into the Navy. When I told my grandfather I was going into the Navy he was very upset. I said to him, "what's wrong Grandpa, the Marines are part of the Navy aren't they?" I thought his head was going to explode. Angry "Sink the Army, stink the Army Gray..." 6 miles easy for me today in 58:32 a 9:45 pace. I really am having fun with my Garmin. Have a great day everyone. Bruce

          "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano


            Wishing a successful procedure for our Mr. Ribs today, and a speedy recovery going forward. That runner's heart that you've built over the years will serve you well today and for many years to come. Best wishes to The Saint as well, for her part in dealing with all this. Caregiving is not a very easy or glorious task. Ribs, one of the definitions of curmudgeon that I found was "evil heart". While the surgeons are in there poking around, perhaps they can take out the curmudgeon part. Wink Be well. Smile

              Nice to see Bob stop by... Lots of good runs today and all the heartfelt wishes for Ribs and the Saint are really touching. This is a special bunch. I don't know Bob, the curmudgeon part of him is one of my favorite parts. But I don't have to live with him... {{Saint}} cuz she'll need it. Looking forward to having the re-plumbed Spareribs back among the running soon! Our weather is serious crap these days! We're having flooding in all the low lying areas near the rivers and the Tanana River is as high as it was in the 1967 flood. After that flood, which I remember a lot of, the Corps of Engineers constructed a flood control project to protect Fairbanks and Ft. Wainwright from future flooding of the Chena and Tanana rivers. I heard on the news talk of when they'll open the gates to divert water into the flood control plain, and it could be soon. All this is important to me because next week's Half Marathon goes right through that area! I wonder if they'll reschedule the race, or re-route it, because even if there's no active flooding, it will be a total mud fest. And quite frankly, I'm getting a little tired of racing in the mud. Plan for today was just 5 EZ miles at lunchtime, but if it's raining I'll postpone that till after work. This rain is hard on the kids because both soccer teams are gearing up for the State Cup Tournament that starts in two weeks... lots of practice, drills and fitness work in the rain. Lovely. At least Saturday's race for me is all on paved streets... Karin, thanks. I'm hoping there's at least one PR for me this season, but I'm running out of local races!!
                See, I thought it was Frank Sinatra he was quoting – shows how much I know... Wink
                Oh, Holly, am going to have to take you under my wing and perhaps into my ipod! So, I'm thinkin' we should be having an update on our patient? grins and crossed fingers, A
                Masters 2000 miles

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  FYI, Rose is posting updates in the "Special Message to Ribs" thread over on KR.
                  So what are we over here at RA, chopped liver? (...toe tapping impatiently...)

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    Thanks, Holly, and roch--sorry, I missed that info in roch's--was looking for something from rose here! Ya, what's with that? Ribs will have to fine her.
                    Masters 2000 miles

                      DickyG - glad I checked over here today and see you are also a TOP fan. We've been friends with Emilio (one of the founding members) for years, so whenever they come nearby, we make sure and see them again. And last night was a night to remember. They are celebrating 40 yrs this year and put on quite a phenomenal mix of old and new. They still put on an amazing show. And Doc still gets down and funky. Our son (8.5 yrs) has become friends with Emilio, Doc, LB, etc. also and they genuinely love having him backstage and chatting. Our son is pretty well versed in the TOP musical library and I think they get a kick out of that. So, they sent our son home with some good TOP loot - including yet another new pair of drumsticks from David Garibaldi. It was a fun night for sure. And I got some good pics and video footage of the show which I'll put in my blog when I have a chance to download it. I'll post the link to my blog if you are interested. Despite being very tired (just started feeling rested up from the relay and then had a late night last night!), I"ll head to the gym for a workout tonight. Last day of the month to get in a few miles.


                        Hi guys; Popping in to pass on Rosie's update on Ribs: Shaky Carver has sewed him up and he is on his way to ICU... they skip PACU for cardio cases. The Saint is doing well (I asked) Her friend, Cathy, has brought her lunch and will sit with her for a while. The Saint expects to talk with the surgeon in about a half hour. I believe all went well but, I am anxiously awaiting the report from the surgeon. Today has been a rough day for The Saint, I'll be glad when she can get a good night's sleep and greet tomorrow with a sigh of relief and plenty of hope for the future.

                          this has some of the same mood --- in a way-- as the day we all tracked boston. collective boomer pacing and focus. refresh, refresh, refresh... Holly. Big grin. I thought I distracted you with ice cream. ok, Blush You're right. I have the book right here. I'll go read it again. I don't get to be excused because of the 20 burly guys? And another thing. I've had just about 2 normal weeks since the 3 or so off for my foot, so that made it hard to stop again. Yes, I know. Those things Do Not Change the Facts. Thanks. maybe better keep duct tape in the car.. TomS... thanks. Enke. nice hilly miles. Hi Bob! Bruce, you must have posted this but i've missed some things. Did you get your Garmin? oh, enough other stuff. back to hit refresh again.
                            So what are we over here at RA, chopped liver? (...toe tapping impatiently...)
                            Dear Chopped Liver, I've had a terrible time with user names and passwords. Please forgive me. I am on vacation in Kure Beach, North Carolina and seemed to have forgotten everything all my passwords. Luckily, this one popped into my wee brain a minute ago. Please note that Tramps and Aija have adequately copied and pasted. Still waiting for The Saint to call with the surgeon's post-op report. Please check KR for further updates or maybe Tramps or Aija or anyone will copy and paste. I am looking at the ocean but can't go to it until I hear the next report. I am so anxious. (Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes)
                              Thanks Aija! I was hoping to hear again soon. This sounds good. The Saint is amazing and I hope she knows that we are all here for her too. She's the real deal. Karin MTA: oops! Thanks LaVitaDolce/RCG. It's much appreciated (I just type too slowly) ---we are feeling anxious along with you and it's sounding hopeful. I probably won't exhale for a few days even still!

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Dear Chopped Liver,
                                Big grin Big grin Thanks, know our impatience is just because we care...

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
